Blood Bowl Live Coverage: Second Week Recap

Project Conquest: Blood Bowl has not slowed down at all as it enters its second week. Let us see who remains on the map after we recap each battle.

Designed by Mare

Project Conquest: Blood Bowl began on October 5, with each army eager to make its mark. The first week saw Special Weapons and Tactics, Army of Club Penguin, Help ForceAliensSpartans of CP, Winged HussarsSecret ServiceScars of CPWater Vikings, and Templars take their spots on the map. They began by fighting for freeland, but as things grew more crowded, they turned on each other. Despite this, only one army, SCP, had been eliminated by the end of week one. This was not the case by the end of week two, however, as only two Small/Medium and three Major armies were still standing.

Sunday, October 13

SS Invasion of Haunted County Durham vs WH

The Secret Service had an invasion on Haunted County Durham, belonging to the Winged Hussars. However, since the Hussars did not show up to defend their land, SS successfully invaded Haunted County Durham, meeting the size requirements.

CPA Administration Note: During this battle, SS leadership contacted the CPA Administration regarding concerns about a troop’s actions. A member of SS, known as CoolPurpleGY, was found to be multi-logging on an account activated on the day of the battle, named TherapyGY. SS leaders were unaware of the situation until they conducted further investigation due to suspicions. As a result of this violation, both WH and SS were placed in a group chat to discuss the issue. The WH leaders felt that, since the SS leaders were unaware of the incident and had been deceived by their troop, the invasion would still be considered valid. The troop is now barred from participating for SS throughout the entirety of Blood Bowl, and the alt account has been deactivated from CPAB. ~ CPA Administrators Mare & Coolguy

HF Invasion of Kepler-452b vs Aliens

The Help Force had an invasion on Kepler-452b, belonging to the Aliens. However, since the Aliens did not show up to defend their land, HF successfully invaded Kepler-452b, eliminating the aliens from the map.

ACP Invasion of Raven’s Lair vs WV

The Army of Club Penguin had an invasion on Raven’s Lair, belonging to the Water Vikings. ACP maxed 28, while the Vikings maxed 11. The size advantage played a big role in ACP’s victory in all three rooms, as both armies were critiqued by the judges for slowness at times, and for struggling with formations. Due to this, ACP successfully invaded Raven’s Lair.

ACP invade Raven’s Lair

Map uploaded Sunday, October 13

Monday, October 14

SPCP Invasion of Foghill vs SWAT

The Spartans had an invasion on Foghill, belonging to Special Weapons and Tactics. However, since neither army showed up to the battle, SWAT successfully defended their land.

SS Invasion of Kraina Piwa vs WH

The Secret Service had an invasion on Kraina Piwa, belonging to the Winged Hussars. However, since the Hussars did not show up to defend their land, SS successfully invaded Kraina Piwa, meeting the size requirements.

Map uploaded Monday, October 14

Tuesday, October 15

SPCP Invasion of Foghill vs SWAT

The Spartans had an invasion on Foghill, belonging to Special Weapons and Tactics. However, since the Spartans failed to meet the size requirement, SWAT successfully defended their land.

WV Invasion of Tasty vs HF

The Water Vikings had an invasion on Tasty, belonging to the Help Force. HF maxed 11, while the Vikings maxed 6. The Helpers took the lead in the battle thanks to the size advantage and more effective forms, with the Vikings losing momentum by Room 3. HF successfully defended their land.

WV invade Tasty

HF Invasion of Boxland vs WV

The Help Force had an invasion on Boxland, belonging to the Water Vikings. However, since the Vikings did not show up to defend their land, HF successfully invaded Boxland, meeting the size requirement.

ACP Invasion of Cooper Trooper Land vs SS

The Army of Club Penguin had an invasion on Cooper Trooper Land, belonging to the Secret Service. ACP maxed 33 while SS maxed 37. The size difference between the armies narrowed as the battle progressed, starting with a 10 troop difference, to only three by the final room. The judges noted that SS had the better forms, and performance in the battle, and due to this and the size advantage, SS successfully defended their land.

ACP invade Cooper Trooper Land

WH Invasion of Yeeter’s Nuke Land vs ACP

The Winged Hussars had an invasion on Yeeter’s Nuke Land, belonging to the Army of Club Penguin. However, since the Hussars failed to meet the size requirement, ACP successfully defended their land.

SS Invasion of Ormy Af Pub Cenguin vs WH

The Secret Service had an invasion on Ormy Af Pub Cenguin, belonging to the Winged Hussars. However, since the Hussars did not show up to defend their land, SS successfully invaded Ormy Af Pub Cenguin, meeting the size requirement.

Map uploaded Tuesday, October 15

Wednesday, October 16

HF Invasion of Aarontombstone vs WV

The Help Force had an invasion on Aarontombstone, belonging to the Water Vikings. However, since the Vikings did not show up to defend their land, HF successfully invaded, eliminating WV from Project Conquest: Blood Bowl.

SWAT Invasion of Judy and 32op’s Future House vs SS

Special Weapons and Tactics had an invasion on Judy and 32op’s Future House, belonging to the Secret Service. However, since SWAT failed to meet the size requirement, SS successfully defended this land.

WH Invasion of Yeeter’s Nuke Land vs ACP

The Winged Hussars had an invasion on Yeeter’s Nuke Land, belonging to the Army of Club Penguin. ACP dominated this battle, having over double the size of the Hussars while making cleaner and faster formations. Because of these advantages, ACP successfully defended this land.

WH invade Yeeter’s Nuke Land

ACP Invasion of Bradford vs WH

The Army of Club Penguin had an invasion on Bradford, belonging to the Winged Hussars. However, since the Hussars failed to meet the size requirement, ACP successfully invaded this land.

SS Invasion of Mustafar vs TCP

The Secret Service had an invasion on Mustafar, belonging to the Templars. SS maxed 21, while TCP maxed 10. With TCP unable to overcome the size disadvantage, SS successfully invaded this land.

SS invade Mustafar

Map uploaded Wednesday, October 16

Thursday, October 17

SS Invasion of Forbidden Mountain vs TCP

The Secret Service had an invasion on Mustafar, belonging to the Templars. SS maxed 23, while TCP maxed 18. Neither army stood out positively in Room 1, with both having several AFK troops and messy formations. While problems persisted going into Rooms 2 and 3, judges gave the win to SS for their speed, awakeness, and having more comprehensible forms. SS successfully invaded this land, eliminating TCP from Project Conquest: Blood Bowl.

SS invade Forbidden Mountain

ACP Invasion of Delhi Belly vs HF

The Army of Club Penguin had an invasion on Delhi Belly, belonging to the Help Force. However, due to the Helpers logging off in the first room, ACP successfully invaded this land.

Map uploaded Thursday, October 17


Friday, October 18

On October 18, the map was paused, meaning no invasions took place. In its place, two battles took place between the Small/Medium and Major armies that remained. The winners of these battles were granted a secret power to be used to influence the tournament.

Small/Medium Army Clash, WH vs SWAT vs SPCP

The Winged Hussars, Special Weapons and Tactics, and the Spartans battled in the S/M Clash. The Hussars maxed 14, while SWAT maxed 10, with Spartans maxing 1. In Rooms 1 and 2, WH outperformed SWAT with their size advantage, faster tactics, and more effective formations, taking the win in these rooms. In Room 3, a lone Spartan made an appearance, briefly performing tactics, though failing to make an impact. SWAT were noted to have faster tactics in this room, but faltered with their formations, with WH getting the win. From all three rooms, WH won this battle.

WH, SWAT, and SPCP in the S/M Clash

Major Army Clash, SS vs ACP vs HF

The Secret Service, Army of Club Penguin, and Help Force battles in the Major Clash. SS and ACP maxed 38, while HF had 16. ACP took the win in Room 1, thanks to their superior formation choices and implementation. In Room 2, SS improved while ACP fell back, as SS took the win for covering the other armies throughout. No army stood out in Room 3, with each army being both slow and fast as the room progressed, resulting in a tie. With ACP and SS having won one room each, they progressed to an Overtime without HF. Despite sizes being nearly equal, ACP looked larger in the OT room, with SS making poor formation choices. In the end, ACP was declared the winner of the OT room, and thus the battle.

ACP, SS, and HF in the Major Clash

Following these battles, the Winged Hussars used their power, ‘Land Swap’, to swap ownership of their server, Koszmarowa, with Spartans in exchange for their server, Sparta.

Map uploaded Friday, October 18

Saturday, October 19

ACP Invasion of Hawk Sua vs SS

The Army of Club Penguin had an invasion on Hawk Sua, belonging to the Secret Service. ACP maxed 34, and SS maxed 27. ACP took the win in all three rooms, due to their good coverage of the agents, despite their increase in pace towards the end of the battle. Due to this, ACP successfully invaded Hawk Sua.

ACP invade Hawk Sua

WH Invasion of Koszmarowa vs SPCP

The Winged Hussars had an invasion on Koszmarowa, belonging to the Spartans. However, due to the Spartans not showing up to defend their land, WH successfully invaded Koszmarowa, eliminating SPCP from Project Conquest: Blood Bowl.

Map uploaded Saturday, October 19

Sunday, October 20

HF Invasion of Hallows Eve vs ACP

Help Force had an invasion on Hallows Eve, belonging to the Army of Club Penguin. ACP maxed 24 in this battle, and HF maxed 14. Due to their size, ACP covered HF successfully throughout the battle. From this, and their faster speed, ACP successfully defended their land.

HF invade Hallows Eve

SS Invasion of 21

This was a freeland invasion. Due to SS maxing more than the requirement, SS successfully invaded 21.

SWAT Invasion of Lodz vs WH

Special Weapons and Tactics had an invasion on Lodz, belonging to the Winged Hussars. SWAT had the size advantage in Room 1, having 18 troops to the Hussars’ 15, however the size evened out in the later rooms. SWAT struggled with their forms and had some AFK troops, which allowed the Hussars to take the win in Room 1. The agents picked up the pace and showed neater forms in Rooms 2 and 3, however, it was not enough to surpass the Hussars, leading WH to successfully defend their land.

SWAT invade Lodz

ACP Invasion of Tasty vs HF

The Army of Club Penguin had an invasion on Tasty, belonging to Help Force. However, as HF did not meet the size requirement, ACP successfully invaded this land.

WH Invasion of Foghill vs SWAT

The Winged Hussars had an invasion on Foghill, belonging to Special Weapons and Tactics. As SWAT failed to meet the size requirements, WH successfully invaded this land.

Map uploaded Sunday, October 20


The map is a lot less colourful now as the armies have been whittled down to only five. We see the south of the map dominated by ACP as they have encroached on HF and SS’s land. The Secret Service controls the northwest, holding a lucrative position as they border three of their four opponents. Meanwhile, HF is clinging on in their corner in the northeast. On the S/M side, the Winged Hussars are almost in control, but SWAT hangs on with one server remaining. Will the armies make good use of the last few days? Will we see any more eliminations? Who do you think will win Project Conquest: Blood Bowl?

Senior Reporter

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