People’s Imperial Confederation Celebrates Five Years

For five years, the People’s Imperial Confederation has marked its legacy as a formidable force. It now celebrates its anniversary in honour of reaching this extraordinary milestone.

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The People’s Imperial Confederation was founded on October 17, 2019, by Small/Medium legend, Sidie9 alongside SirProditor. Ever since their creation, they have been a force to be reckoned with in the Small/Medium circle. They continued operations for upwards of a year – and despite their brief hiatus throughout 2022, PIC returned in February 2023. They have since won multiple tournaments, engaged in various wars, and marked their legacy as a dominant army.

PIC in the Beach Brawl III tournament.

This year, the Confederation emerged victorious in the New Year Bonanza and Around The World Cup. Additionally, they also witnessed victories in multiple wars. The most notable of these are those against the Special Weapons and Tactics, the Winged Hussars, and the Secret Service. Through these conflicts, the army prospered and prevailed – and in June, they achieved Major Army status.

PIC battling in their war against SS.

However, PIC experienced instability following the retirement of Shalissa – leading to their unfortunate drop to S/M army status. Regardless of their inconsistency, the Confederation is actively pushing to maintain its reputation in the S/M field.

PIC dropping to S/M status.

This Thursday, PIC hosted a special event named “The Sidies” in honor of their notable occasion. The event went well – and with many allied army members showing up to support, the Confederates reached a maximum size of 19.

Confederation anniversary event, 2024.

Club Penguin Armies reached out to PIC leaders Alucard and Saber, to grasp their insight on this auspicious achievement.

Congratulations on making it to five years! Over time, how do you feel the Confederation has grown and changed?

Alucard: The army has grown a lot since our inception, had a lot of ups and downs over the past five years but we’ve grown a lot, winning 3 back to back S/M Trophies and getting an emote on CPAB (AC) to commemorate, as well as winning multiple wars in recent memory.

Saber: I feel like this army has grown and changed through finally finding our footing and sense of togetherness. The only thing that I truly feel that had set us back in the past is only saying yes, and not realising that we can do what WE want. Nobody really wanted to take breaks, everybody pushed themselves to their limits. It’s important to help others of course, but it’s also super important that we also take care of ourselves. Everybody plays a part in keeping an army alive, and it’s important that we have one another’s backs.

Are there any special memories you would like to share for this special milestone?

Alucard: One of my favourite memories was when we won our first trophy, it was a momentous achievement and really set the tone for how the following months would be.

Saber: There’s many special memories that have happened within the past year, mainly due to how many wars and battles we threw ourselves into head first. Through many wins and through losses, it’s driven us closer and has given us a better understanding of ourselves. Here’s to hopefully many more!!!!

PIC has recently experienced some struggles and setbacks. How do you plan to overcome them and return to greatness?


Saber: I personally have done everything in my power to keep this army alive, considering i’ve spent an embarrassing amount of time on these events. PIC has unfortunately only experienced setbacks due to us actually having lives. We all have school, work or jobs. All we need to do is figure some type of schedule out, and we’ll be right back on track!

Are there any celebratory messages you wish to send out to the community?

Alucard: To anyone that has supported us over the past 5 years, friend or foe. We appreciate every single one of you. FOR THE PEOPLE

Saber: I’d like to thank everybody who has supported us over these past 5 years!! I genuinely appreciate it so much, because I know that armies is not an easy community to be in. It’s also very time-consuming, so I’m eternally thankful that you’ve chosen to spend time with us. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!

It seems that the Confederation is rejoicing at this historical moment, setting its legacy in stone. We at Club Penguin Armies congratulate them, and we wish them the best in their future endeavors. Will PIC make a comeback for glory? Will we witness their sixth anniversary?


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