Scarred For Life: 54x Leaves Scars’ Leadership

In an unexpected development, 54x has declared his retirement from the Scars of Club Penguin. As one of their founders, this announcement highlighted a sense of surprise within the community, as he decided to embark on a new journey.

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54x started his army career in March 2020. He began his journey within the Doritos of Club Penguin, after being recruited from Club Penguin Online. From there, he worked his way up through the ranks, eventually reaching the position of third-in-command. Throughout this time, he had short stints within multiple other armies, such as the Redemption Force and the Dark Warriors. Additionally, 54x provided guidance to other groups like Golden Troops and also co-founded the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of Club Penguin alongside Satchmo in July 2020.

USSR of CP First Event

Nonetheless, in September 2020, 54x decided to leave DCP and joined the Romans as a high command officer. Shortly after, he was promoted to leader, which marked one of his most significant experiences in the army community, according to himself. After a downturn in the army, it went on to close by the following month. After that, 54x would go on to enlist in several other armies, such as the Underground Mafias Army, Templars, and Legoman Army Hoo Rah. He officially retired from armies in February 2022.

However, when did the iconic Scars of Club Penguin come to fruition? In August 2020, the army was created in response to an event where Scars, a former 6ic in DCP, was banned from the server for trolling. Initially, SCP was not a formal army; it was just a group that “protested” for Scars’ unbanning within DCP. There were a few attempts to revive SCP in different generations, most of which did not succeed. The current fifth generation revived spontaneously in August 2024. Since then, the army participated in many wars, tournaments and community activities.

SCP’s opening event

54x has contributed many times and put efforts into making their empire successful. However, on October 10th, the army founder decided to step away from the army community to focus more on his real-life tasks. Despite this saddening news, he remains hopeful, believing that there are more victories to come and SCP will not stop rising.

54x announces his retirement

In light of this, Club Penguin Armies secured an interview with 54x to cover more about this matter:

Why did you leave Scars of Club Penguin’s leadership?

It wasn’t an easy decision to make but I felt it was not only best for me to step away from leading the Scars of Club Penguin, but it was also best for the SCP itself. I no longer have the time needed to properly dedicate to leading a growing s/m army in this Blood Brawl tournament and the coming future conflicts that I am sure to come. School has been ramping up activity making it a bit difficult for me to fully lead to the best of my ability. So along with my co-leader Scars, we thought it was best I step away and merely retain ownership rights to the army as it’s creator. In short: school is why I am retiring. I have no doubt that Scars can solo lead and I have the utmost faith in our small but awesome hcom and staff team to help him do so.

Will you come back one day? If so, what changes would you make to the army?

Perhaps I will be back in the future. Scars and I are dedicated to keeping the SCP open and running even despite my absence in a leadership role. For now, it is unlikely I come back but in the future, if I have the time, I may return depending on where we are. As for what I would change, as of now, nothing. I’m pleased with how Scars and I have been running the SCP competently despite it being a meme army. We have fun and are unserious but at the end of the day we do have a great system of government and running things. I have no doubt that Scars will continue to lead the SCP to glory, even without me. I wouldn’t change a thing. I have full trust in Scars.

What were some of your favorite memories in Scars of Club Penguin?

I know our fifth generation has only been open for about two months now but from just this gen alone I already have so many fun memories so this makes it hard to choose from. From our spontaneous revival announced an hour before the event, to the two wars we’ve been in. Our meme army has managed to both grab the attention, love, and admiration from CPA as well as hate. But, my all time favorite memory has to be the Spartans declaring war on us because I insulted them and then we went and beat them so hard. That was fun and it proved to CPA that the SCP is no joke.

What do you envision for the future of Scars of Club Penguin without you?

I envision nothing but success for the future of the Scars of CP. Although they might not have one of their creators and leaders in me, I have no doubt that Scars will continue to do an excellent job leading and will only take the SCP to new heights in my absence. For now, I am retired and in a very hands off advisor role and strictly ceremonial ownership role. Scars will be completely running the show now without me, but I think we have the same vision for the SCP. I truly believe the SCP will thrive without me under Scars’ solo leadership. Love us or hate us, the SCP was always about having fun and not taking things so seriously. Because of this we’ve made some enemies that are mad about the semi-success of this s/m meme army. But there’s no doubt Scars will be able to continue to lead the SCP through any obstacles and continue on its legacy. VIVA SCARS VIVA 54!

Regardless of the creator’s retirement, he remains faithful to the army’s future, leaving the community in the hands of Scars. We, at Club Penguin Armies, wish 54x the best in his future endeavors. Do you think we will see him back in a leadership position soon? How will SCP do without him? 


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