Weeknds of Club Penguin Starts The Party

On October 5, the Weeknds of Club Penguin opened its doors, entering the community as a “meme” army. In this post, we will explore how, and why, the army came to be.

Designed by Master DS

In recent months, multiple armies known as “meme armies” have entered the community. These armies generally do not take themselves too seriously and are seemingly created for fun. Yet, despite the light-hearted nature of them, some have become successful. An example of a popular meme army is Scars of Club Penguin. Under two weeks ago, the Scars broke into the Top Ten placing eighth, and is often a positive topic within the community. Undoubtedly, this has shown that meme armies can become popular within the community with many more following suit.

On October 5, Fun X Time, Special Weapons and Tactics leader, embarked on a new journey within the community. Fun X Time officially opened the Weeknds of Club Penguin, hosting an event to mark the occasion. The opening event witnessed troops from different armies gather to celebrate the Weeknd’s opening, at the start of the weekend. Their official maximum size was noted as 11, enabling them to successfully register themselves as an army.

WCP’s opening event

Since its opening over a week ago, the Weeknd has been quiet, seeing the party wind down. However, the peaceful atmosphere within the army could be due to the ongoing Project Conquest: Blood Bowl tournament, which is currently ongoing. Fun X Time, as previously mentioned, currently leads SWAT, hence the lack of focus on the partygoers. Yet, this does not mean that it has been an easy-going time for the Weeknd as, during its first week, Fun X Time shockingly announced his departure from the army.

Due to worries regarding the ongoing tournament, Fun X Time felt that it was necessary for him to step away in case his dual enlistment caused problems for SWAT in the tournament. However, after a rule change within the tournament, as agreed by the army board, Fun X Time re-enlisted as a Leader of the Weeknds. The new rule wording meant that he could duel-enlist in the army, but could only participate in the tournament as a SWAT representative. Luckily, because the Weeknds are not in the tournament, this was not a problem for the SWAT Leader.

The Weeknds have had a rough start within the community, only hosting one event. Yet, the party has not ended and Fun X Time intends to make sure the party keeps on going. But what led to its creation?

Club Penguin Armies reached out to the Weeknds’ creator, Fun X time, for the full interview.

Can you explain what made you create this meme army?

I had received a suggestion of opening up my own meme army. Moreover, I felt that The Weeknd also required some fame within the army society. This army makes this possible.

What do you plan to achieve with it in the near future?

At the moment, I have no real plans. This is a meme army, and I do not anticipate much activity within it. However, it may enter any critical army scene when required in crisis. Furthermore, I predict that there will be times when the army will be left leaderless.

Do you think you will, possibly, expand the army even more? 

If my army does expand, it would probably happen in my absence, because I would rather spend time in an army that is not a meme one. It could expand under the leadership of someone else, however.

What do you have to say to those who might target you?

I do not feel that anyone would attack the Weeknds. However, if we were to enter the map, we would definitely face an attack from major armies that love invading and bringing disgrace to the small-medium army community, such as the much-disliked Army of Club Penguin

It seems that Fun X Time created the army with the intention of it solely being a meme army. Yet, with a tournament ongoing, outside of the army, will it shut down sooner than expected? Perhaps, Fun X Time will surprise us with the expansion of the army? Will it become a successful army?




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