A Peek at Army Attire in Project Conquest: Blood Bowl

As the Project Conquest: Blood Bowl tournament unfolds within the community, armies have chosen a scary costume to represent them. Today, we’ll delve deeper into how each army chose their uniform.

Designed by gabgeirl

Tournaments are more than just about winning, although it may feel that way. The reason this is said is because another bonus of holding tournaments is that the entire community gets to partake in fun activities. Tournaments provide a great opportunity for armies to face opponents they have never fought before.

Club Penguin Armies is currently hosting the Project Conquest: Blood Bowl. As part of the tournament, armies were allowed to choose their own Halloween costumes to represent them. This gave each army the chance to express both themselves and the spirit of the season throughout the tournament.

To learn more about the final decisions behind the uniforms chosen by each army, we contacted Secret Service, Aliens of Club Penguin, Army of Club Penguin, Winged Hussars, Scars of Club Penguin, Templars of Club Penguin, Help Force, Water Vikings, and Special Weapons and Tactics.

Secret Service

Secret Service’s uniform

Joel, SS Leader: We wanted a sort of vibrant theme that made us stand out, and something a bit different. So we went with the cool jacket, and we had to have some agent references, so added the goggles too! I am happy with how it turned out, especially as we have the best bb uniform

Aliens of Club Penguin

Aliens uniform

BP, Aliens Leader: We chose to be flying Aliens vampires because we wanted to stand out from others by our creativity. The aliens mask is our trademark and it makes our uniform look very cool. I think Aliens have the best bb uniform.

Army of Club Penguin

ACP’s uniform

Roxy?!, ACP Leader: We basically wanted a mix of halloween and a touch of ACP to it. I think the combination of the Classic Vampire Costume really goes well with the medieval Cloak and Staff & Shield. Overall, it was visually appealing and it represented ACP quite uniquely. The Skull Mask complimented the outfit, and matched the outfit really well. Since we would be battling against other armies, it made sense to add the Staff and Shield. In the end we were looking for an outfit that matched the halloween, while also representing us on the battlefield.

Winged Hussars

WH’s uniform

stv, WH: It’s among us, and I think that it’d be funny to have an among us costume when most of the times people take armies too seriously

Scars of Club Penguin

SCP’s uniform

Scars, SCP Leader: So, our uniform has a strong connection to the green pufal. When discussing with some of our army legends about the uniform, notable SCP legend, Coolgirl, sent a picture of the green pufal costume. However, we all knew that wouldn’t work. So to fit this idea of the green pufal, we altered it by adding the green pufal shirt and pufal. As many may or may not know, the green pufal is also owned by Coolgirl. The rest of the uniform also shows strong resemblance to his SCP legend portrait. So in the end, the uniform is in a way a tribute to the man himself, Coolgirl_w2.

Templars of Club Penguin 

TCP’s uniform

Elsa, TCP: Well, i like it because it looks like a bumblebee and it’s very spooky looking! It represents TCP with their yellow color!! It also represents pure art!! with the drawing on the knight’s armor, and the two blue strips making it stand out. I am truly in love with this unifrom as it is one of the most amazing one I saw.

Help Force

HF’s uniform

Beasto, HF Leader: we chose it because its a vampiric looking outfit and because our Halloween theme this year is related to Vampires

Water Vikings

WV uniform

Rye bread, WV Leader: When I was looking through blue items on the search for a new uniform, I found the Blue Alien Mask, and I was like yoooo this is genius…and then I saw it came with a THIKING CAP and I really wanted to use it but it ended up looking better with the iconic Viking Helmet. Pretty much everything is the same, except for the face and body. Plus it looks great in-game. Also looks great with the guitar. I sent it over to HCOM, along with a few other options, and everyone voted for the Alien Viking.

Special Weapons And Tactics

SWAT’s uniform

FunXTime SWAT Leader: Our Halloween uniform is simple and elegant. Generally, we wear a black and green outfit. However, this time we incorporated orange in our outfit theme, too. Our outfit is now colored in black, green, and orange, which firmly describes the theme of the month. Moreover, we have received a lot of positive comments concerning our themed uniform from onlookers in the army community. We are not willing to wear overly different or off-topic clothing. Additionally, we have also maintained balance between the three colors, ensuring no color is more visible than the other. This is October, a spooky month to experience the joys of Halloween!

It is clear that these armies put in a lot of effort into these uniforms. As the armies participate in Blood Bowl, these uniforms allow them to be able to show their creativity and halloween spirit while fighting other armies. Which uniform is your favorite aside from your own army? Which costume do you think is the most creative?



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