Battle Report: First Day Of RPF-SS War

The Autumn Tundra War has been the talk of the community, with several heated battles already taking place. We will discuss how the Rebel Penguin Federation and the Secret Service have fared on the first day of combat.

Designed by Wynn

On September 14, The Rebel Penguin Federation scheduled the first invasion of the Autumn Tundra War in a war declaration that included accusations of toxic language, racism, and transphobia. The Secret Service were quick to respond with invasions of their own, as well as a rebuttal post, accusing the Rebels of having a “culture of manipulation”, comparing them to North Korea. However, much of their evidence was made up of alleged falsified screenshots. Though the armies have been vicious off the battlefield, they have been just as eager on the battlefield as they clashed in four battles on Sunday, September 15.

Battle One – Secret Service’s Invasion of Alaska

The Secret Service were the first ones to get into the room. The battle began close, with the sizes being 30-25 in RPF’s favor, but as the fight progressed this gap widened to a nine-troop difference at points, with RPF rising to 33 while the Service dropped in size. Judges noted issues with the Service’s forms in each room, with them suffering from too many gaps, and then too much bunching. The Rebels were commended for looking larger than SS throughout the battle. Judges cited RPF’s speed, size, and formations as factors in their 3-0 win as they defended Alaska.

The first battle of the war

Battle Two – Rebel Penguin Federation’s Invasion of Toboggan

Following the success at Alaska came the invasion that accompanied the declaration. The judges described the battle as “men vs boys”, which made sense considering the Rebels maxed almost double the Service during the battle. Though SS made a valiant effort, with their formations being praised, it’s noted that they weren’t fast or large enough to be close to the Federation’s performance. The last room saw the size gap narrow but it wasn’t sufficient to prevent RPF from taking another 3-0 victory, making Toboggan the first server to change owners in the war.

The Rebels take Toboggan in the second battle

Battle Three – Rebel Penguin Federation’s Invasion of Cozy

The battle of Cozy followed the same trend as the previous two battles. RPF maxed 30 to SS’s 15, and the Service’s performance failed to make up for the size difference. The Rebels continued to cover and out-pace them, while SS suffered from gaps and afk penguins. This resulted in RPF gaining yet another server with another 3-0 win.

RPF keeps their winning streak going at Cozy

Following their win at Cozy, RPF geared up for the fourth battle of the night, a defense of Mittens. Perhaps already knowing what was coming, the Secret Service canceled their invasion six minutes before it was supposed to begin. This meant that the score at the end of Day 1 stood at 3-0 to RPF.

SS cancel the invasion of Mittens

The Service stood no chance against the Rebels on the first day of the war, but with so many servers on the line, things are far from over.  Will the Secret Service get their first win? Will the Rebels keep up the momentum all the way to the end? How many battles will there be until peace is made?


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