CPA Spotlight Investigation: Mark06 Caught Multilogging For Brownie4s

After a series of investigations, the Administration has found that Mark06 has been multilogging within the Brownie4s of Club Penguin.

Spotlight is the investigative department at Club Penguin Armies that looks into cases of cheating and corruption within the community.

On September 9, the Club Penguin Armies Administration were alerted to a potential multilogging situation in Brownie4s of Club Penguin. At this point, investigations began as the administration started to look into who, what and when. A couple of hours before the investigation, the Brownies declared war on Spartans of Club Penguin with their first battle being set to take place on September 11.

With the limited time available, the administration took the opportunity to investigate all accounts involved. However, with a small sample size and a war soon to begin, the administration continued to investigate while monitoring the situation. 

On September 11, the first battles of the war were set to take place. Unfortunately, when they did, the accounts in question were present. They were also present at the event held before the war began.

Investigation Findings

During the investigation, the administration discovered that Mark06 is a Templars high-command member who was pretending to be another community member, Faith. Mark06 was found using her CPAB account during events. 

The war declaration states “The help of dual enlists or allies is NOT allowed in this war.” Mark06 understood he would not be able to attend and has discussed with an Admin prior regarding this and how he will not be able to attend these battles. Additionally, it was found that Faith’s account was a way to deceive the administration and any individuals watching the conflict take place.

Before war battles began to happen, the Brownies held an event on September 9 between 22:30 and 23:11, the battle was set to start at 23:00 and ending 11 minutes later. It was found that Mark not only was using the Faith_ account on CPABattleground but also another account was linked that went by Adlion

Logins for Adlion [B4SCP] with IP #1

  • 9 September 2024 23:06 – 9 September 2024 23:11

Logins for Faith [B4SCP] with IP #1

  •  9 September 2024 22:29 – 9 September 2024 23:11

Logins for Mark06[B4SCP] with IP #1

  • 9 September 2024 22:25 – 9 September 2024 23:11

However, despite multilogs being found, limited pictures were available, therefore, the usual pictures showing the multilogs in the same place at the same time cannot be shown for this event. Therefore, biding our time, the administration waited for the first battles of the war between Spartans and Brownies to take place. Here are our findings:

First Battle (starting at 17:30 BST)

Logins for Adlion[B4SCP] with IP #1

  • 11 September 2024 17:05 – 11 September 2024 17:25
  • 11 September 2024 17:25 – 11 September 2024 17:41

Logins for Faith_[B4SCP] with IP #1

  • 11 September 2024 17:08 – 11 September 2024 17:24
  • 11 September 2024 17:26 – 11 September 2024 17:40

Logins for Mark06[B4SCP] with IP #1

  • 11 September 2024 15:20 – 11 September 2024 17:05

(No pictures were taken during this battle)

Second Battle (starting at 21:00 BST)

Logins for Adlion[B4SCP] with IP #1

  • 11 September 2024 19:06 – 11 September 2024 20:34
  • 11 September 2024 20:34 – 11 September 2024 21:10

Logins for Faith_[B4SCP] with IP #1

  • 11 September 2024 20:14 – 11 September 2024 20:35
  • 11 September 2024 20:35 – 11 September 2024 20:47
  • 11 September 2024 20:36 – 11 September 2024 21:10

Brownies during their second war battle

With the evidence shown above, the administration has enough evidence to prove that Mark06 was using alternate accounts (Faith and Adlion) to attend battles for Brownies. Additionally, we have seen that Mark06 has been present during Brownies’ events, using his normal CPAB account in addition to the aforementioned accounts.

War Status: Brownies vs Spartans

In most cases, admins do not interfere in off-map wars. However, a clear case has been made here with Mark06 not only attending for Brownies whilst being a Templars HCOM but multilogging for the army prior to and during the war. In recent times, ‘Faith’ has become a leader in Brownies and with Mark using her account, negligence has been seen. Therefore, the administration cannot sit back whilst this act continues to take place. 

We approached Mark06 who admitted to multilogging using Faith’s account as well as Adlion. 

Additionally, after this, we created a group chat with the Leaders of Brownies and Spartans and allowed the Spartans to decide what happens next, much like Secret Service vs Winged Hussars. Ultimately, they decided to end the war due to Brownies multilogging, using duel-enlists and breaking the war terms. Therefore, they have been declared as the victors of the war. Furthermore, the two armies have decided to create a peace treaty, ceasing all hostilities. 

Spartans declaring victory

Additionally, the Brownies will be penalised for their actions. A -1 will be taken off the max sizes for every multilog at each of Brownies’ events. For example, in the second battle (Above) 2 troops (Faith and Adlion) will be taken off the max size for that event). This deduction will be in place for this week’s Top Ten. 

Final Thoughts

This is the third case of multilogging that we have seen since last month. We would like to, once again, affirm that the Club Penguin Armies Administration does not condone multilogging. We would also like to remind army leaders to consistently monitor and remind their members that multilogging is a serious issue that can result in severe consequences. While the Administration does not take pleasure in intervening in wars or punishing armies, this serves as a reminder that multilogging will not be tolerated.

Executive Producer

Chief Executive Producer

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One Response

  1. […] the two battles, a scandal emerged during the war. The Club Penguin Armies administration detected suspicious activity […]

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