Shadow Steps Up As Spartans Leader While Mafuka Announces Retirement

While the Spartan King Mafuka plans to retire, he’s already promoted someone to take his place. We will explore the current state of the army, and find out whether new leader Shadow can prove himself in his new position.

Designed by Dino

On September 4, Mafuka made an announcement in the Spartans of Club Penguin Discord server announcing his retirement from armies. In this announcement, he appointed Shadow as the army’s new Chief General. This announcement came in the middle of a mapless war against the Scars of Club Penguin. With no-shows and multiple invalidated invasions, it hasn’t been smooth sailing for either army, but Mafuka made a further announcement assuring his troops that he would not retire until the war ended.

Mafuka announces his retirement and Shadow’s promotion

Mafuka joined his first army, Special Weapons and Tactics, in 2022, and stayed there for a few months. After spending time elsewhere, he chose to leave armies in 2023 until his return this February. He first created an army called the Polar Operations Security Team, which lasted until May when POST became the Spartans, the army we see him in today.

Shadow made his start in armies in December 2022, making SWAT his home. By January 2023 he had risen the ranks up to 2ic, however he chose to leave the army for the Water Vikings in April of that year. His time in WV was shortlived, however, and he rejoined SWAT two months later. Due to disagreements with their HCOM, he joined the Shoguns of Club Penguin. Finally, he joined the current iteration of the Spartans, rising the ranks from 3ic to Chief General.

The war between Spartans and Scars began following Mafuka’s declaration on September 2. Dubbed the Great War of Sparta, the main reason given is due to an insult that Scars’ leader, 54x, made against the army. Another factor is Scars designating SWAT as their enemy due to the recently concluded  War of the Weeknd’s Wish. This caused Spartans to declare Scars as their enemy in turn.

Spartans clash with Scars

Following this recent situation, Club Penguin Armies reached out to Mafuka to find out the plans around his retirement.

What was the reason you decided to retire, and was it planned or sudden?

Toxicity in CPA, the same reason BB shutdown. It was planned.

Will the Spartans be your final army, or will we see you join another army in the future?

I don’t know

Are you confident leaving the army in another’s hands in a potentially vulnerable post-war state?


We also reached out to the Spartan’s newest leader, Shadow, to find out his goals as a leader.

What will you do to try and guide the Spartans to victory in their war against Scars?

First of all me and the other leader of Spartans makufa have both decided to declare war on Scars as he said me that they were bad mouthing spartans and from the day we declared war on them i have been guiding the HCOM to take charge and lead the battles that both me and makufa are unable to lead and i made winning this war the no 1 priority because its my first war as a leader and i want to win it and i have been leading the army even though we have a small size but they are better then many armies currently so i am guiding and leading these future leaders of Spartans closely from the day i joined

Did your promotion come as a surprise or did you already expect it?

To be honest no it was quite surprising to me why? Makufa the other leader has promoted me to leader in training and he said me i will become leader after the war and then on Wednesday when i returned home after college say the ping and i was shocked to see it and i didn’t know what to do first but quickly started to work because we were in a war. But i had understood the assignment and this is a big one for me. I am quite happy to lead Spartans

How do you hope people will remember your leadership of the Spartans?

This is tough one. But i want to be remembered as the guy that lead them to victories and a hard worker that will do everything in my power to make Spartans awesome and great. And also the funny guy

Do you have anything else to add?

This is directly headed to my past leaders of the army that i worked so hard to raise through the ranks and become HCOM. You guys said i was a chosen one but you decided to ruin it demoting me for the things i didn’t do and other stuff and this As i become a leader of another army is to prove you that i don’t need your army to achieve what i want and also to say you that i dont need your help or anything from you anymore. One more thing is THIS IS FOR SPARTA!!!!!!!!!

Shadow’s eagerness for the job is apparent, while Mafuka’s future is uncertain. Will Shadow lead the Spartans to victory? Is this the last we will see of Mafuka?


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