Brownie4s of CP Enters the Scene

On September 5, another army entered the Club Penguin Armies league, Brownie4s. Let us find out more about this army.

Designed by Master DS

Brownie4s of Club Penguin are a Templars colony centered around former Templars Leader, Brownpen4. Their leadership consists of two leaders: Brownpen4, and Mark060. On September 5, the leaders officially opened their army to the community. During their opening event, they managed to get 10 penguins online. Thereafter, they registered as an official army within Club Penguin Armies. Notably, after their opening, they obtained 14th place in their Top Ten debut, tying with the Church of Aurora.

Brownie4s opening event

On September 8, the army announced two uniforms titled OG B4SCPand “WEE DIVISION“, with brown being the dominant color in both of them. Their ‘WEE’ division uniform differs greatly from their main uniform as it sees their penguins dressed in mountain boots, a backpack, and an afro. Yet, while these uniforms greatly differ, they display the leaders’ creativity, making them stand out from the crowd.

The left one is the main uniform and the right one is the WEE DIVISION

Since its creation, Brownie4s have made diplomatic ties with armies such as Templars, and Amazing Soldiers of Club Penguin. However, during this short time, they have also created conflicts with other armies. On September 5, they announced they would be going to war with Church of Aurora. Despite this, no official declaration was made and no battles have taken place. Therefore, we can assume this was not a serious declaration of war.

In more recent times, on September 6, they cut ties with their former ally, Spartans of Club Penguin. This came after the Scars released a post diving into their reasoning for declaring war on Spartans. After Scars ended their war with Spartans, the Brownies took the opportunity to pounce, officially declaring war on Spartans on September 9.

Brownies’ declaration of war

With all of this in mind, Club Penguin Armies got a special interview with the army leader, Brownpen4, to talk about their army.

Why did you create the army Brownie4s of Club Penguin?

Originally it just started as a joke between me and Brown after seeing the success that Scars has had with his army.When I actually brought up the fact that we should make the army for real, Brown was pretty skeptical at first but later agreed.

What is the meaning behind the name Brownies of Club Penguin?

Brownie is what most of Brownpen4’s friends call him, so we just used it since “Brownpen4s of Club Penguin” just sounded pretty weird and when we later found out that during 2009-2012 an army already existed with the name Brownies of Club Penguin we just rebranded to Brownie4s of Club Penguin lol.

What do you want to achieve for your army?

Honestly there isn’t much I really want to achieve from this besides making Brownpen4’s name more popular between the new generations of Club Penguin armies.

Can you tell us the meaning behind your uniform?

We took some inspiration from the Sidie’s Rangers uniform and just made it mostly Brown, hence the name of our army, the only meaning the uniform has is the cowboy cap which represents an old inside joke between me and Brown.

It appears that Brownie4s are joyous people who came to the CPA community to mark their names down in history and have fun. While they plan to make their names known throughout the community, present and future, will they be able to make Brownies a memorable army? What will we see from them? Will they achieve their desired fame?

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One Response

  1. Cool12 September 9, 2024 (11:06 pm)

    I’m shocked that a new army has appeared

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