Clovers and Service Sign Non-Aggression Pact

As the summer ends, so does the rising tensions between the Army of Club Penguin and the Secret Service, as they sign a Non-Aggression Pact. Let’s delve further into what occurred between these two armies.

Designed by Dino

Tension began rising as soon as the Secret Service reopened on July 7. While some celebrated their return, others in the community did not take it lightly, and the army quickly made enemies. Despite this, SS ended up forging new alliances rapidly. The army joined the International United Alliance on July 11, alongside Aliens, Special Weapons and Tactics, and Squids.

However, on July 9, before the formation of IUA, the Army of Club Penguin decided to invade Squid’s land, Migrator. During this invasion, SS joined forces with the Squids to defend against the Clovers due to the Squids being a colony. The Squids successfully protected their territory. 

ACP Invasion of Migrator vs Squids

The following day, a leak surfaced involving former People’s Imperial Confederation leader Sweater and SWAT leader Fun X Time. The leak involved Fun X Time admitting to an alliance about gathering a common goal. Additionally, this raised concern among a lot of members within armies.

Conversation between Sweater and Fun X Time

Due to concerns about the Secret Service and some armies perceiving their actions as toxic, the Sapphire Concordat—which include the Templars, PIC, and ACP—decided to take the initiative and declare war on SS for their only land, Migrator. Although the Secret Service held only one piece of land, the outcome of this war invasion would determine whether they won or lost the war. 

With support from their alliances, including IUA and SC, the battle was set to take place on the 12th. The invasion of Migrator was very close, going into overtime. However, the invasion concluded with a victory for PIC, as they successfully took Migrator by winning the overtime room. Due to this, SS had officially gotten a force treaty.

PIC Invasion of Migrator vs SS in overtime room

Since the force treaty ended on July 30, the Secret Service has been actively participating in wars, including the most recent one, the War of Vengeance, against one of the SC armies, TCP. This war concluded with a victory for the Secret Service, which then force-treated the Templars on September 2.

SS force treaty for TCP

With the war between TCP and SS coming to an end, another shocking event occurred on September 2. The Clovers and SS decided to sign a Non-Aggression Pact. Despite their past conflicts, both armies concluded that avoiding further conflicts would be in their best interest. This decision was because of the September drop and their recent involvement in wars. The NAP goes on to be effective until October 14 at 4:35pm EST.

SS and ACP signing Non-Aggression Pact

To learn more about the armies decision to sign a NAP, Club Penguin Armies reached out to ACP Leader Ugly and SS Creator Monstah.

Ugly: We have plans this month and we dont feel like warring.

Monstah: We signed a NAP as it was in both of our armies’ mutual interests with the coming September drop and to focus on the upcoming tournament.

As both armies settle down from their recent wars and prepare for the September drop, the decision to agree upon the Non-Aggression Pact appears to benefit SS and the Clovers. However, who knows what the future will hold for both these armies and what will occur after the NAP is over. What are your thoughts on SS and ACP signing a Non-Aggression Pact? Will we eventually see both armies making peace after the NAP ends, or could they possibly go to war?

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