Spartans Declare War Against Scars

Spartans shocked the community in an unexpected turn of events as they declared war on Scars. Let us delve into what occurred.

Designed by Dino

Designed by Dino

On September 2, the Spartans declared war against the Scars of Club Penguin. The war is taking place off-map since neither party has any land. The war declaration also mentions that the alliance between the two armies will discontinue. The Spartans made this decision following Special Weapons and Tactics deeming SCP an enemy. This is not the first war Scars have faced in the past few days, however. The Scars were challenged by SWAT in a short war in late August, losing to SWAT.

According to Ethan, SCP leader 54x had been badmouthing the Spartans, classifying them as a frail army. In their declaration, the Spartans also pointed out that Scars was hypocritical, as his army was facing similar struggles with sizes.

Spartans' declaration against the Scars of Club Penguin

Spartans’ declaration against the Scars of Club Penguin

Scars responded to the Spartans’ declaration. They mention that the Spartans perform well and, comparing the Top Ten with an addition to their recent event, they maxed 16 which is the highest max they saw, and a fantastic job keeping that they are a new army, though they have incorporated a lot of allied support. For now, the score of the war is 1-0-1 [W-T-L], meaning both armies have had one battle against each other.

Results of Scars' first battle

Results of Scars’ first battle

Results of Spartans' first battle

Results of Spartans’ first battle

Club Penguin Armies reached out to both the army leaders for their statements.

54x: My first reaction was actually to laugh. When I saw the Spartans of CP decided to declare war on the great Scars of CP, I certainly had a good chuckle with Scars. SPCP went from begging us to be allies when we first re-opened to now declaring war on us and claiming that they’re better than us. But, look at the stats. The SCP owns them in every way. We know we have the support of the entire CPA community whereas literally no one knows that they’re an army. I think the original Spartans creators would be ashamed at what their army has turned into. That’s what you get when you give revival perms to an eleven year old I suppose. Scars and I are confident thought that the Scars of CP will come out on top.

Ethan: To the community, Scars has been saying that his army is stronger than Spartans of Club Penguin but he didn’t show up for the first battle. My HCOM Zaed, I did not tell him to do any of this. I did not tell him to spam or say the N word, at this point I do not support the behaviour of Zaed because we do not serve racism as our tips for staff or any other troop. Zaed has been given a warning and if he does it again he shall be banned from The Spartan Empire even if it would’ve been a joke. My children, stay strong. We will win this war and put Scars back to their limits as Secret Service (Our Ally) did to the Templars. Scars cannot match our might! AHOO!

The Spartans and the Scars of Club Penguin will certainly need a close war. With similar sizes and the prohibition of allies in the war, the war will be an interesting one to watch. Do you think the Spartans will win? Or, will the Scars emerge victorious?


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One Response

  1. Zaed September 7, 2024 (8:37 pm)


    Also i apologized for the spam and i will not say any cuss words including the n word and im sorry to all of the community for my previous actions, if i do this again its not me.

    -SPCP Hcom (zaed)

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