A Holy Entrance: Church of Aurora Opens Its Doors

The army community has witnessed a new army open its doors with a holy entrance. As the masses gather for worship, the Church of Aurora awaits exploration. Let us delve to learn more about the Aurorans’ introduction to the community.

Designed by Master DS

The Church of Aurora recently opened under the leadership of Aurora, along with History, Shinzo and Fourless. On September 2, they gathered for their mass worship opening event, with a max of 10 Aurorans online. Originally branded as a group of trolling worshippers known as “The Goonsquad of CP,” notable figures like 54x, Scars, Jojo Teri, Fourless, Shinzo, and History chose to rebrand with a new vision: the worship of Aurora in an established church.

church of aurora

The Church of Aurora in their opening event.

Shinzo spearheaded this movement, uniting the congregation for their opening event. Although initially postponed, they successfully held the event on September 2. Now, the leaders of the Church of Aurora aim to become a prominent force, claiming to drawing compare themselves to the likes of the Army of Club Penguin and Special Weapons and Tactics. The Church have also recently preached their way into an alliance with the Scars of Club Penguin, following the agreement settled between Scars and Aurora, both eager for their future endeavours together.

Church of Aurora announcing their alliance.

Club Penguin Armies was blessed with the opportunity to reach out to the Church’s Cardinals, History and Fourless to learn more about the army’s opening.

How would you describe your opening worshipping event? Was it a holy beginning?

History: If I can describe it, I think this army will probably be a 50 percent meme and 50 percent serious army. It’s kind of like Scars of CP. And since Aurora attended, it is a holy beginning.

Fourless: Our opening event certainly marked the beginning of something great. It was truly a blessing to see Aurora, who hasn’t sent a single message in the server, show up to the opening event for her church.

What would you say was the reason that prompted you to open the church to the army community?

History: Mostly for jokes, lol

Fourless: This community is lost and in need of guidance from a genius, one would even say a bright bulb, such as Aurora.

What are the Church’s intentions and plans for the future?

History: Make everyone convert to Auroranism and get into top ten.

Fourless: To spread the wise words and ideas of Aurora. She has not given us any direct orders yet but I’m sure she’ll come to us when we’re in need.

Are there any final messages you wish to preach to all your supporters in Club Penguin Armies?



It seems that the Aurorans are determined to dominate, as they preach Auroranism within the army community. The COA leaders appear extremely thrilled and full of hope for the army’s future goals, and we wish them the best of luck. What are your thoughts on the Church of Aurora? How much of an impact do you think the army will make?


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