War of Vengeance Concludes: Service Issues Force Treaty

The War of Vengeance officially ended after ten battles across a full week. Surprisingly, the war had a somewhat premature ending, with the Templars surrendering all their nation to the Service. Today, we will take a look at the final battles of the war and learn why it has concluded.

Designed by Dino

On August 27, 2024, the Secret Service officially declared war on the Templars naming it War of Vengeance, due to the fact the Knights also declared war on the Service – when both armies showcased an intense fight for Migrator. Last week, the war score was 7-0 in favor of the Secret Service. However, after the first days of this week, the Service widened its lead, with a score of 10-0 in their favor.

Battle One – Secret Service Invasion of Cozy

The first battle began with the Service invading Cozy. Secret Service was doing well as they had 27 on compared to the Templars’ 9. It was also noted that TCP was getting covered very often by SS, hence they could not make any complex formations as they had to rely on diagonal, horizontal, and vertical lines. With that in mind, the Service took the victory in all three rooms.

Secret Service in a UY with TCP in a messy diagonal

Battle Two – Secret Service Invasion of Christmas 

In this battle, the Service was invading the server ‘Christmas’. However, due to the Templars not showing up, the SS was able to successfully invade the land.

Battle Three – Secret Service Invasion of Permafrost

SS once again were successful in their invasion of Permafrost, as their opponents failed to show up. Thus, this marked the tenth victory in favor of the Agents.

The situation was seemingly unfavorable to our noble Knights, as their sizes met an astounding downfall. And, to top it all, their empire was on the verge of being completely dominated by the Secret Service. Knowing the circumstances were not the best on their side, the Templars Grand Priors approached the Service leadership seeking for a peace treaty.

In the words of one of their Priors, Nicky, TCP agreed to an ‘unconditional surrender’. Therefore, on September 2, a treaty was signed between both armies, marking the end of the War of Vengeance. Indeed, the Service avenged their defeat in Migrator and, right now, own all of Templars’ – former – glorious empire.

SS-TCP Force Treaty

Club Penguin Armies reached out to representatives from the Templars and the Secret Service to learn their perspectives on the concluded war.

Mocha, TCP Leader: The war of vengeance was definitely a tiring war not only for me but for other leaders and our troops especially since we had just finished the war against Help Force. We decided to reach out to the Secret Service leadership to surrender in order to rebuild the army.

JoelFreak, SS Leader: Secret Service has shown our dominance in this war. Intentions Classified.

The Secret Service is undoubtedly proud of its achievements, successfully establishing itself as a powerhouse within the server map. On the other hand, the Templars recognize they now have a long way to go in order to rebuild their army and – perhaps – seek revenge against the Agents. Do you think this will result in an endless pursuit of vengeance? 




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History is a former EGCP Staff Member. He's currently a Reporter in Training for CPArmies.

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