Army Community’s Favorite Summer Activities

With summer coming to an end, the community has seen many exciting things take place. Now, the community looks back to tell us their most enjoyable moments from this summer. 

From pool parties to tournaments, summer brings many fun activities. Armies and real-life organizations alike host events like these, meaning more fun inside and out of armies. Despite all the different events being held, participating in them may not be possible. However, it’s not impossible either. If community members had to choose a favorite activity, what would it be?

Club Penguin Armies reached out to members of our community to ask what their summer hits were this year, both in armies and in real life. Here is what they had to say.

What is your favorite summer activity in real life?

Skyu, WV: My favorite IRL activity is Gaming, but since I don’t think you consider that as an activity. I guess I’d rather go out into nature or relax on a beach.

Slice, TCP: Swimming 100%

Smorf, RPF: Well, I live in the UK, so summer is a myth. But I will have to say that it is being able to go see my friends more. It’s lovely being able to walk around in the warm sun or just sit gossiping in the garden. I also like going hiking! Summer makes things a lot less slippy. 

TheYeeter, ACP: My favorite summer activity is basically going outside and going to the swimming pool… Sometimes I play badminton with my friends too.

What is your favorite armies-related summer activity?

Skyu, WV: I loved the Olympics week. It was very funny, even though we didn’t compete against other armies. The variety of games is something that I liked. The Legends Cup was also fun.

Slice, TCP: Probably themed trainings.

Smorf, RPF: I haven’t been involved in armies for 4 years, but my fav is the RPF summer Olympics. A lot of vets come to participate, so it’s great to see old friends come back. I also looove competing, so it’s a great environment for me.

TheYeeter, ACP: I mostly like to attend some summer break day events cuz its chaotic lol

Now that summer within the community is ending, there are fewer activities, and the community is calming down. Before Summer officially ended, an S/M army tournament was held. Beach Brawl was announced just weeks ago with 6 armies later confirming their participation. Before the tournament was hosted, Club Penguin Armies asked our interviewees for their predictions and if they were excited about the then-upcoming tournament. Were they able to predict the winners?

Are you excited for Beach Brawl?

Skyu, WV: I’m excited to play Beach Brawl, because the 3 unique armies battles looks interesting.

Slice, TCP: I guess so, I don’t really have an idea of what it is. 

Smorf, RPF: Absolutely. I’m hoping I have enough time to participate, but I am very much looking forward to another tourney.

TheYeeter, ACP: I am actually betting for Blizzard Battalion to win cause I know that they are beginning to be popular in CPA community

Who do you think will win Beach Brawl?

Skyu, WV: I think Water Vikings will win this competition of course. But I don’t know why I think SWATRulers will be tough opponents in this S/M competition.

Slice, TCP: The Water Vikings, probably

Smorf, RPF: ooooo im gonna say WV, i remember them from my 2020 RPF days and they’ve always been outstanding!

TheYeeter, ACP: I wanted for Scars of CP or Blizzard Battalion to win BB

This summer has certainly been eventful, leaving a lot of memories for the community to look back on. With Beach Brawl in the rear-view mirror and the Summer Gala on the horizon, there is still a lot to look forward to. What do you think? How did you spend your summer? Were your predictions for the Beach Brawl correct?


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