Special Weapons and Tactics Declares War on Scars of CP

The army community is left shocked and confused as former allies become foes. The Special Weapons and Tactics officially declared war on the Scars of CP on August 21. Let’s delve into what led to this decision.

Designed by Dino

Declaration Announcement

In a twist of events, the Special Weapons and Tactics declared war on their former allies, Scars of CP on August 21. SWAT decided to officially title this war as The Weeknd’s Wish.

Fun X Time announcing declaration against Scars of CP

Reasonings Behind war

According to SWAT’s declaration, the army outlined the reasons behind their decision. These reasons argue that the situation should not be prolonged. However, the issue arose due to SCP being close allies with the Templars and acting as a TCP proxy. The Templars also declared SCP as a protectorate.

SWAT declared their shock upon discovering that SCP was transferring their land to TCP. They presumed this was due to SCP creator and leader, Scars, being a member of the Templars’ staff. SWAT was outraged by both the land exchange and Scars’ role as a TCP staff member. The army felt that SCP was being negligent of the past relations between SWAT and TCP.

SWAT vs TCP Invasion of Blizzard June 26

Additionally, the Agents felt neglected and unappreciated. SWAT believed that SCP was favoring and endorsing TCP more than their other allies. SWAT’s declaration also states that the Agents do not wish to look down on them and still continue to appreciate their community, but are not going to accept their behavior.

date of invasion

Unlike most battles where armies have land, this one is different. Since SWAT doesn’t own any land, but Scars of CP does, the war will be brief with only one battle. This means that either SCP successfully defends their land, or SWAT successfully invades it, bringing the war to an official end. SWAT has decided to invade Southern Lights on Thursday, August 22.

SWAT invasion of Southern Lights vs SCP

Club Penguin Armies decided to reach out to SWAT Leader, Zooy, and Scars of CP Leader, Scars, regarding a statement on The Weeknd’s Wish war.

Zooy: I’m so confused where the war came from

Scars: I was minding my own business going about my day when suddenly I realized I had a ping in CPAJ, which was very unusual. I opened it up and realized it was from Krill, AND HE WAS DECLARING WAR. I was in utter shock, the fact our allies would declare war on us sent me into a state of shock. I rushed to dm 54x in preparation for the war until I was notified that SWAT had no land. From there I went to invasion scheduling to throw a shot at them. It was then that I decided to read the declaration in search for a reason. After finding out there was NO reason, I called up the reinforcements to help us prepare.

Final Thoughts

From what both army leaders, Scars and Zooy, have expressed in their statements, it is clear that both are in shock over the war. However, as SWAT mentioned, this war is intended to be a friendly competition. Despite this, creating a genuinely friendly atmosphere within the community can be challenging. We wish both armies good luck in their battle tomorrow, as it will determine their future placement on the map. Who do you think will win the war? Will Scars of CP successfully defend their land, or will SWAT be able to successfully invade and reestablish their position on the map?

Chief Executive Producer

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  1. […] August 21, the Special Weapons and Tactics shocked the community by declaring war on the Scars of Club Penguin. In the Agents’ declaration, they provided reasons for […]

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