Memorable Moments With Bestpenguin

Bestpenguin is one of the army community’s well-known members due to their strong leadership skills, especially within the small/medium army scene. In this edition of Memorable Moments, we spoke with BestPenguin to learn about his most memorable army experiences.

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beginning of journey

In June 2018, Bestpenguin joined Help Force through his friend Ayan from Club Penguin Online. He thought HF was fantastic and loved their stamp sections. BP was quite active in HF after he became used to Discord, and by September 2018, he had become a staff member. He met another army member named, Sans, later that year on CPO. BP invited Sans to join him on his Penguin Fun Time Discord server, where they conducted Club Penguin lessons when Sans needed assistance naming his server. People laughed and shared interesting knowledge during the enjoyable classes.

Upon inviting BP to a server called “idk,” Sans later changed the name toAliens and appointed BP co-owner. Over time, Aliens grew to be an army on CPO, and BP retained HF as his primary army, although he occasionally assisted Aliens. Before retiring from armies in April 2019, BP attained the position of Third-in-Command within HF.

BestPenguin at Attacker’s Birthday Event

The Return

Upon leaving, BP saw that Aliens had reverted to inactivity and felt bad for abandoning the Helper’s ally and not supporting them as a co-owner. He decided to concentrate on Aliens in June 2019 and worked to gradually bring them back to life with the aid of his Helpers buddies and new Aliens friends. With his rebuilding of Aliens, the maximum number of players increased to over 25 in the majority of the events. Aliens were maxing 30+ by August, and sometimes 40+. In August 2019, Aliens emerged as a major army, regularly placing in the top three and often in the top five of the CPO Army League’s top ten rankings. Before closing Aliens down in May 2020, he was its leader for over a year. Under BP’s leadership, Aliens became a powerhouse in the AUSIA timezone, winning nearly all the battles in AUSIA.

Alien’s seocond anniversary


BP spearheaded the battle against the Templars in 2019, putting up a valiant fight in the AUSIA timezone. He also was able to reach a maximum of 30+ troops. BestPenguin also founded the International United Armies the same year HF quit the CPO Army League. Aliens never shied away from conflict; in 2019 and 2020, they engaged in battles with Templars, Pirates, Light Troops, Ice Warriors, Dark Warriors, Special Weapons and Tactics, and Golds. The most memorable conflict for BP occurred in 2020. This was when Aliens overcame IW in AUSIA conflicts, reaching a size of 30+. Although they were often successful, time-zone differences caused them to lose most battles. However, the army consistently demonstrated value to the community.

Aliens Versus Ice Warriors

s/M Legend achievement 

BP’s work became noticed by the entire community and ended up getting inducted as a Small/Medium Army Legend for 2019. With his consistent devotion, he has received enormous achievements.

BP’s S/M Army Legend Bio 2019

Bestpenguin was interviewed by Club Penguin Armies to find out more about his greatest events and achievements.

What is the most memorable moment you have experienced in Club Penguin Armies?

 One of my most memorable moments has to be when I revived the aliens from scratch, and we made it onto the TOP 10 list again. Not just 9th or 10th, but we came in 3rd. I was so happy. Honestly, every moment I’ve spent with the Aliens is close to my heart. There were times when I was thrilled just to max 5+, and slowly, we started maxing more and more. I remember spamming my friends’ DMs when we maxed 10+. I miss that first-time feeling when you create an army, max 5, and then gradually max more than your previous records. That feeling is amazing, and I think only newcomers to armies can truly experience it. It’s something you never forget.

Who motivated you to return to Club Penguin Armies?

Raven116 kept asking about aliens and I felt pretty nostalgic. I denied him about the return but pretty soon, Joel Freak and Lulu started asking me about the aliens’ return. That’s when I finally gave up and decided to give Aliens another chance to shine again and live the nostalgia once again.

What are your future goals within Aliens of Club Penguin?

My future goals for Aliens are to get stronger, build deeper bonds, make friends, and enjoy the CPA community. Aliens will keep rising, no matter what, and we’re aiming to become the best army in CPA history. I want us to participate in future tournaments and bring the trophy home.

What contributing factors have led to your remarkable success within such a short time frame?

The first thing I’d credit is Helpforce. They introduced me to the whole concept of armies, and thanks to them, I got some experience with hosting events. Next, I have to shout out the amazing people I met in Aliens. Without them, Aliens wouldn’t be what it is today. Every single staff member and troop played a part in our success, along with my friends from Helpforce. A special thanks to my OG staff team and the three awesome leaders of the last generation Shypayden, Tena, and Choco55172. Right now, my new leaders Void and Missnova are doing a great job, along with my new staff team. Honestly, I’m just lucky to have met such amazing people who’ve helped and supported me through everything.

Bestpenguin is an individual who has inspired a lot of people and continues to do so today. He is a diligent worker and a wonderful example of loyalty. We hope BP finds success in his upcoming endeavors. What are some of BP’s experiences that stand out to you? What more do you think BP will achieve?

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