Protectors of The Forest Shut Down

The Protectors have left the wilderness for good. The forest is now vast, freed from army intervention. Let us learn why the Protectors of the Forest undertook this decision.

On August 14, the Protectors of the Forest officially marked their closure following POF leader Zenishira deleting the army’s Discord server. The army had opened in June as a Help Force colony but did not age long. Moreover, the army steadily acquired sizes of almost 15 consistently throughout its lifespan. It also quickly established an alliance with the Squids of Club Penguin. Additionally, the Protectors have entered one of the Top Ten army spots only once, placing ninth.

The Protectors of the Forest at an event titled "Just Bear With Us!"

The Protectors of the Forest at an event titled “Just Bear With Us!”

Moreover, the Protectors entered into conflict with the Squids following their declaration. The war was not included in the map and lasted only a battle to which the Protectors did not show up. Now, the army’s closure was sudden and mostly unnoticed. Additionally, it seems that the army has established very little history to be worth documenting. Zenishira says, “Help Force is my true home,” in response to the closure, portraying his willingness to prioritize time over his other army.

Club Penguin Armies reached out to POF leader Zenishira to clear the air regarding POF’s spontaneous closure.

What made you close down your army?

I’ve come to the conclusion that, while POF is a nice break from the hassle and tussle of usual armies, Help Force is my true home. The decision to close the army saddened me, as well as many others who might have participated in POF events. I was honestly surprised to see others have an interest in the army, I had visitors join from time to time on occasion. Granted, nothing much was happening in the server, and the army hasn’t held an event in the last 2-3 weeks. I made POF as a test for myself to see if I could lead an army by myself, to see if I could build my own community and form a unique culture. I wanted to contribute to the S/M community and add another contender to the fray. I had the idea of a green hooded archer army since last year, back when HF had an event where we dressed up as Robin Hood. Also, for those who thought that POF was to be a meme army, I’m gonna be blunt here and tell you that it was meant to be a serious army. Sure, I might’ve laughed a lot seeing the green hooded archers finally get recognized as a true army by the league, however, it all came short when the HF leaders told me to cut it off. I made POF during the worst possible time, in my opinion, right before the Legends Cup was about to start. BEASTO and ROOBOO told me that I had the right to host POF events as long as it didn’t affect my performance within Help Force. However, seeing that our contenders were ACP, EGCP, and RPF respectively, I decided to focus more on recruiting for Help Force, rather than build on POF. I have neglected POF, sadly. When the Squids declared war on us, I had no choice but to forcefully quit, since a “meme war” wasn’t on my list of priorities. I apologize to Joel for that. Anyway, I know this last reason might anger ROOBOO and especially BEASTO if they were to read this, however, I need to come clean and state that Help Force does not allow for dual enlists. Same way you can’t serve God and money, you can’t serve the Help Force and another army.

Do you feel that your army will make a return in the future?

Like I stated earlier, I made POF during an inopportune time. Perhaps when I learn how to lead better, when I have enough free time and learn how to be more responsible, only then I might consider reopening POF. Its time will come, but now I have another family to support.

What has been your most memorable moment during your time in the army?

Despite its short run, and small amount of events, POF did create some memories in the hearts of many, including myself. During an event, I recreated scenes from Finding Nemo along with Ender Fera. We were both fished by BEASTO who happened to stumble by. Ender still has the recording stored somewhere, thankfully, so we still have some POF history that has not been lost. Other than that, I guess the war with the Squids could have gone better, had I not rejected it. But the best memory by far would have to be simply creating the army itself. Maxing 10 in the first place is pretty hard in the first place, if you don’t have friends who would support you in making your own army. I was glad when Super made an army command for us, even. I am proud of the POF uniform’s design overall, and gosh dang it I am sad to see it go as much as you guys do. However, like I said in the first post mentioning POF: “Don’t start vanity projects that you’re not prepared to handle for yourself.”

For now, POF will be hidden, lurking in the shadows, watching over the forests from afar…

It appears that Zenishira is firm with his decision to shut POF for good, primarily to help focus on HF. The army has not scaled high enough but has found a small volume of space in history. The wilderness is now cleansed of army intervention. Do you think that the army will ever recover? What do you feel POF has achieved in its lifetime?

Fun X Time
Associate Editor

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Hi! I am Fun X Time, formerly and popularly known as Krill 300, or simply Krill. I am currently serving as a Commander-in-Chief at the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) since November 2023. I have been in armies since February 2020. I am interested in computer science, programming, physics, chemistry, and biology. What about you?

One Response

  1. Ender_Fera August 16, 2024 (12:43 pm)

    POF WAS THE GOAT ARMY ICL AND IM GONNA MISS IT DEARLY (can confirm nemo event was hilarious)

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