Legends Cup XIV: Grand Finals Predictions

As the Legends Cup tournament winds down, the army community is anticipating that this Grand Finals battle will be one of the most competitive and exciting to watch. Let’s see which army the community believes will be the victor and the winner of the Legends Cup tournament.

Designed by Edu14463

This Legends Cup XIV has shown some huge challenges throughout all the armies in the community, but only two armies have shown their dedication to proceed to the Grand Finals. After defeating the Templars in a rematch in the Losers Final, the Rebel Penguin Federation has arose back to battle against the Help Force in a rematch on Saturday, August 3. The Helpers have shown their dominance throughout the tournament, winning battle after battle against the Army of Club Penguin, the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin, and RPF respectively. The Rebels have also shown their dominance, winning against the Templars twice, and the Water Vikings.

Help Force vs. Rebel Penguin Federation

HF vs RPF in the Winners Final

The winner of this Grand Final will be the grand champion, and will win the Legends Cup XIV trophy. With this battle commencing soon, let’s see what the army community says about the results of this battle.

Echo, Templars Leader: I think HF 3-0-0. HF historically pulls vets out of their behind. They are significantly larger than RPF if we take this into consideration. I think the win will be because of size.

Edu14463, Managing Editor: I believe RPF will win. I know HF will most likely bring a huge force of 60+ penguins or even more. However, RPF has more tactical knowledge and expertise in tournament battles. Moreover, they may also bring a larger force given its a tournament finals. I believe this battle will conclude in the overtime and RPF will win 2-1-1.

Zez, Youtuber: I honestly dont know which army will win, theyre both very strong, but if I had to pick I would say RPF would win, because they are very good with tactics and formations. I think the result would be [2-0-1].

Elsa, Reporter In Training: I want HF to win! Because they have pulled off like 57 against ACP during legends cup. I have faith in them and I know they will do great! I’m supporting the Sapphires all the way! I say 3-0-0 HF.

Waffledog, Reporter: HF is deffo gonna win because not only do they max really well, they’re very organized and know how to optimize forms. The leadership is also very scary, so I think that’ll help the troops listen more. RPF is a good opponent for them, but I don’t think they really match up when it comes to their maxes and organized. 2-1-0.

Based on the predictions gathered from community members, it seems that Help Force is the most favored army to win the tournament according to those who were asked. However, there have been many unexpected results throughout this tournament. This battle could be a major plot twist. Club Penguin Armies sends luck to the competitors as this final battle will be an amazing event for the community. Will the Help Force be undefeatable in this tournament? Or will the Rebels bring a plot-twist to redeem themselves?



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