The (Re)Introduction of Armies Into The Community: Recap

Over the past few months, multiple armies have (re)entered the community, breathing a new lease of life into the community. Despite this, not all of them have been successful.

Designed by Edu

June was arguably one was the busiest months within the army community this year. It was filled with wars, invasions, the introduction of the Legends Cup, retirements, inductions and more. Amongst all these events, armies were opening left right and centre, continuing into July. The first army to sign up to secure their place within Club Penguin Armies was Protectors Of The Forest.

Protectors Of The Forest

Protectors Of The Forest opened its doors to the community on June 8. The army led by Help Force‘s Second in Command Zenishira was able to max 10+ in their opening event. Following their registration into CPA, a post written by Fun X Time revealed the army’s intentions to act as a Help Force colony. Following its opening, they allied with another S/M army, Squids, on June 13. They looked to strengthen their relations and break into the Top Ten.

In their first week, the Protectors of The Forest were unable to make it into the Top Ten armies, placing 11th. However, they were able to change this by placing ninth during the following week. Unfortunately, since that point, they have been unable to regain their place within the Top Ten, placing outside of it as the number of armies continued to increase.

On July 2, the Squids declared war on the Protectors. The war was set to take place off-map, however, it seemingly ended after just one battle which POF did not show up to. Ultimately, since then, the Forest has been quiet. Yet, this could change very quickly. After all, this is CPA.

POF during an event

Squids of Club Penguin

Following the opening of POF, the Squids officially filed for registration as an army on June 13. Originally led by Joel, Toxic Storm and TD999, the Squids opened its doors to the community with 10 members attending its opening event. The event was held the same day they registered to become an official Club Penguin army.  Upon opening, the Squids allied with the Protectors before, two days later, allying with Special Weapons And Tactics. It is clear that they wanted to strengthen their ties to the community.

Much like Squids, it was only during their second week in the community that they were able to enter the Top Ten, placing 10th. During this time they also participated in the Legends Cup tournament. However, they lost out to their new allies, SWAT. Despite only recently entering the community and gaining land on the map from the Dark Pirates, they were soon attacked. The Elite Guardians began an offensive on the Squids, invading the land they earned. However, an interview with Edu, then-EGCP Leader, revealed that the war was friendly. Additionally, he stated that the Guardians would safeguard their land.

Thinking that their land would be safe, the Squids declared war on POF on July 2. Yet, as previously stated, this war ended quickly. Despite the Guardians trying to protect the Squids’ land, the Army of Club Penguin soon took advantage by invading Squids’ capital, Migrator. However, in a surprising turn of events, the Squids were able to beat ACP, securing the safety of their capital.

Squids vs ACP in the battle for Migrator

Since then the Squids have been a big topic of conversation as they have become a Secret Service colony/proxy. This conversation revolved around them transferring land to the Secret Service with Joel transferring from Squids and accepting for SS. They also formed the International United Armies Alliance with SS, Aliens and SWAT. Currently, the Squids only have one leader, Joel, who reclaimed his leadership status after the departure of Toxic Storm.

Sidie Rangers 2

The Sidie Rangers 2 originally revealed their intention to become an army on June 23. With more than 12 leaders, the Sidie Rangers were composed of people from all over the community. Ultimately, the army was viewed as a meme/joke army with no real intention to act as an army. Since revealing their intention, they have not hosted an event or become an official army.


Also on June 23, Aliens revealed its intention to open its doors, inserting itself into the community once more. After a successful opening event maxing 17 penguins, the Aliens registered for the CPA league. Their successful opening event saw them break into the Top Ten, coming in at 10th. Their momentum only increased from here as they gained 7th place on the following week’s Top Ten. Under the helm of Bestpenguin, the Aliens saw some success after their reopening. Their meticulous schedule allowed them to do well in the Top Ten while growing as an army.

In recent weeks, following the formation of the International United Armies alliance, they climbed their way up to fourth place. This was an amazing achievement for Aliens, placing above the likes of Templars and ACP. On July 22, Engr Miss Nova was inducted as the eighth leader of the army. This induction was followed by the induction of Void on July 25th.

Despite their successful run in CPA, they officially withdrew from their alliance on July 26th and declared themselves as “neutral” with every army within the community. This, seemingly, would see them break any alliances they made with IUA members. The IUA also closed with their withdrawal. Only time will tell what impact this will have on both the Aliens and the wider community.

Aliens during a recent event

Femcels of Club Penguin

Much like Sidie Rangers 2, the Femcels were seen as a joke/meme army within the community upon revealing their intentions to open. Seemingly, they have no intentions of becoming an official army within the community and have remained dormant since opening its server.

Secret Service

The Secret Service officially returned to the community on July 7 after hosting a successful opening event. The revival had been planned long before its opening, seeing the reformation of the former-major army. From major staff introductions to the merger of Dark Pirates, the Service had big plans in store for the community. Their opening event alone saw an astounding 41 penguins attend. With Joel, TD999 and Bscharbach at the helm, the army’s fourth generation is set to be its most successful yet.

Since reopening, they have been the main topic of conversation. Their relationships with small/medium armies have often been brought into question as they have received land from them. Yet, despite the controversy, they have continued to grow and prove themselves as a force within the community. In their first week alone, the Service placed third in the Top Tens, beating several big names.

Following their successful first week in CPA, the Service was declared on by the Sapphire Concordat. The People’s Imperial Confederation, aided by their allies, invaded the Service’s capital, Migrator. After this, the Concordat enforced a force treaty upon Secret Service and their colony. Ultimately, this would see an end to the warfare between them. But is this war truly over?

Secret Service during an event

Vanguard Penguin Federation

Led by Pain of War and Erm, the VPF opened on July 11 with a maximum of 10 troops showing up to celebrate their opening. On the day they opened, they allied with two new armies, Blizzard Battalion and Spartans. However, for VPF, the journey thus far has been a quiet one. In their first two weeks in the community, they gained 13th, then 14th place on the Top Tens. Outside of that, they have seemingly been working within the army to ensure its stability.

Spartans of Club Penguin

On Monday, July 1, the Spartans opened its doors to the community. However, the path to opening was not as simple as it may seem. Before opening as Spartans, the army was known as Polar Operations Security Team. The name of the army was later changed to Frosty Penguin Security Force. It was clear that the leader of the army Ethan, who announced the changes, was not happy with the names chosen. Yet, this did not stop them from trying to achieve their goal of getting registered in Club Penguin Armies.

The leaders, Ethan, Adam, and Skye Larsen wanted the army to succeed but knew they needed to do more. Still unhappy with the name, on May 25, the leaders decided to change it to Spartans. They later came to know of the past Spartans army and got the creator’s permission to use the name. After multiple attempts to host an opening event and max 10, they were able to successfully open on July 1.

Since then the seas have been quiet for the Spartans. One notable mention is that they entered the map after obtaining Hockey on July 20. However, they soon transferred the land to Secret Service. It is unknown whether or not the Spartans intend to compete on the map. Regardless, the future is bright for the small/medium army community.

Spartans during a recent event

Blizzard Battalion

On July 14, Bilxo opened and registered his new army, Blizzard Battalion. During their first event, the Battalion were able to gather 20 penguins online to celebrate their opening. It was an amazing feat for the newcomer, exceeding all expectations. Their first week of events enabled them to grab 10th place in the Top Tens, claiming their stake in the community. Despite their maxes dropping since their opening event, they have been consistent, maxing eight penguins.

Outside of their regular events, they have not been too active in the community. However, they recently signed a non-aggression pact with Aliens, Secret Service, SWAT, and Squids. Ultimately, this means that they cannot declare war or assist in war against the armies involved.

Blizzard Battalion at a recent event

Nonetheless, it seems like the Battalion has secured their place within the community, much like the other newcomers. Yet what does the mass amount of new armies mean for the community? With more ideas and armies set to come into the community in the near future, will we see a new small/medium world power? Will wars soon break out?


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