Vanguard Penguin Federation Opens Its Doors

Throughout the past month, new armies have been flowing into the army community. The Vanguard Penguin Federation is one of these numerous groups, waiting to be explored. Let us learn more about the new army player.

Designed by Cassie

The Vanguard Penguin Federation recently opened under the leadership of Pain of War and Erm. On July 11, the army hosted a successful opening event. They acquired a size of 10, allowing them to register into the league. Furthermore, following their opening, the Federation placed 13th on the Top Ten. Their reopening event was aided by a handful of visitors from other armies who also wanted to see the army succeed.

The Vanguard Penguin Federation at their opening event.

After opening, their leadership mentioned that they have many plans for the future. They stated that their goal is to become a prominent force like the Special Weapons And Tactics, Water Vikings, and the Army of Club Penguin. It is clear he has hopes for his army to become strong and victorious on the battlefield. The army is employing different strategies to ensure its success. Additionally, he recently departed the Water Vikings to join SWAT, carrying his wisdom.

With his experiences in mind, he has become more conscious of army diplomacy, protecting its interests. But what motivated him to create his own army?

Club Penguin Armies approached Vanguard’s leader Pain of War, questioning the army’s present and future.

How would you describe your opening event? Did it go as planned?

Honestly, I was on mobile the whole time, so I had to rely on Mia to lead the event. But luckily, they’re super trustworthy and have some army experience. The event actually went way better than I thought it would – we had 10 people show up, which was more than I expected (I thought we’d get like 6 or 7 max). Thanks to T_T and some other visitors who helped get more people to come at the last minute!

What would you like to see regarding the future of the army?

My vision for the future of our army is to become a prominent and enduring force, like armies such as SWAT, WV, and ACP, which have stood the test of time. I aspire for our army to grow in strength, unity, and reputation, fostering a legacy that inspires future generations of soldiers. I envision a future where our army is renowned for its excellence, camaraderie, and unwavering dedication to our shared values.

How long have you been in the army community? And what motivated you to start your army?

I’ve been part of the Club Penguin community for approximately six months, with a nine-month hiatus from Discord starting in July last year. As for what inspired me to start my army, I was motivated by two key factors: firstly, the surge of new and returning armies in the community sparked my interest, and secondly, encouragement from Cabin, who persuaded me to leap. I’m excited to contribute to the community’s growth and vibrancy.

How would you describe your relations with other armies?

Regarding other armies, I hold no negative sentiments and actually appreciate some of them, but I’ll keep those preferences private to try to maintain positive relationships with everyone.

It appears that the Vanguard’s leadership is confident and determined to fulfil its ambitions over the coming months. Will the Vanguards find their potential and achieve what they are hoping for? How successful do you think this army will become?

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