Sidie9 Crowned as Templars Empress

On July 12, the knights beheld a new empress, Sidie9. Following Nicky’s and Moon’s retirement, the Templars have a new queen taking over the throne.

Designed by Master DS

Sidie9 is a Small/Medium Army Legend and a veteran of the army community. She is mostly known for founding the People’s Imperial Confederation on October 17, 2019. Nonetheless, Sidie joined the community in 2011 and was recruited into the Ice Warriors by Iceyfeet1234. Upon noticing a lack of AUSIA events in armies, she advocated for more army events in that time zone. Sidie inspired numerous army members to organize AUSIA events and develop their divisions. Sidie9 rose to fame as the leader of the Army of Club Penguin from 2015 to 2016.

However, her journey with the Templars began on April 7 as a Leader in Training. After the Sluttpådawn War, she rose to the Templar’s leadership alongside Mocha. She has been assisting the Templars since then, and they gained several new things under her guidance. On July 12, she was officially promoted to Empress of the Knights.

Sidie9 congratulated on her promotion to Empress.

Under her leadership, the Templars advanced to the third round of the Legends Cup XIV losers bracket, and, with the Sapphire Concordat declared war on the Secret Service. This war only had one battle, but it was considered an enormous clash with both sides being supported from outside; therefore, Sapphire Concordat successfully won the war and was able to take over Migrator.

The Battle of Migrator

Club Penguin Armies had the opportunity to reach out to Sidie9 and learn her thoughts on how she felt after becoming the Empress of the army.

How do you feel after being the empress of the Templars?

I’ve known this was coming for a while, but it has still been strange to process. I can’t say this is where I expected my army career to go, but I am glad and eternally grateful to have been granted the privilege of serving the Templars as Empress.

How does the role of the Empress function at Templars?

The Empress serves as the Autocrat of the Templars. Though the Grand Priors are all important leaders in their own right, the autocrat acts as the main leader with the final and absolute say. With Xing and Dawnables serving before me, I am the army’s Third Autocrat.

What are your future goals concerning Templars?

Templars will return to glory. It would be difficult to replicate the highs of Xing’s golden era, he set an incredible standard as Emperor. I promise you, however, that Templars will become a significant player in the army community once more, and I will make Templars great again. With our tremendous victory over the weekend against the Elite Guardians, the army many people considered most likely to win Legends Cup XIV, the road to restoring our army has only begun.

How long will your stay last at Templars?

I am unsure but I don’t have plans to depart any time soon.

Will the Templars be your final army?


What does this role personally mean to you?

Knowing the efforts of those who came before me, I have a very big responsibility to fulfill. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. With that said, the Templars are an amazing community, and the role of Empress means more than the duty assigned to being an Autocrat. It’s also about being present in the Templars as an active participant, building genuine relationships with the troops who work with you. The role means a lot more than anyone could put in writing.

Any words of encouragement that you would like to give to your fellow leaders, staff team, and the troops of Templars, as their New Empress?

Keep working strong. No matter what is thrown our way we will rise to the challenge, and we will make Templars great again.

Sidie appears motivated to ensure that greatness triumphs over the Knights. We wish her and the Templars all the best in their future undertakings and look forward to their voyage beyond. Also, hearing that this will be her final army, we wish her good luck. What does that promotion hold to the future of the Templars?

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