Club Penguin Armies’ Five Days of Trivia: Day Four

Welcome back to Club Penguin Armies’ Five Days of Trivia. In this mini-column, we will ask the community five questions over five days to see who the ultimate Trivia Tyrant is!

Designed by Edu

Welcome to Day Four, the penultimate edition. Sorry to all players for being a little late (only 9 hours!) with today’s edition. If you’re unsure how this works, I pose a question in the bottom of the post and the first five comments guessing the answer correctly will receive one to five points each. The order of your comments determines your points. For example, the first correct commenter will receive five points, but the fifth only one. With that out of the way, the scoreboard now looks like this:

  • First: Edu [11]
  • Second: Scars [9]
  • Third: Doopus [8]

Yesterday’s Answer:

Only one legend was inducted in 2023: Calgocubs21

I tried to trick everybody by asking for all of the inductions, but you all noticed there was only one. Good job!

Today’s Question:

Which alliance officially won World War IX?

To enter, comment your answer on this post. Discord DMs will not be accepted, just website comments. Please note that all IPs and emails are hidden when commenting on the website. Not even Mchappy can access them! The next question will be posted tomorrow, 13 July, at 4:00 pm UK (for real this time – possibly)

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5 Responses

  1. Edu14463 July 12, 2024 (11:00 pm)


  2. aisha July 12, 2024 (11:05 pm)

    There was no victor because it ended in a peace treaty between both alliances

  3. doopus July 13, 2024 (12:56 am)

    both the blue sunset alliance and the sapphire concordat allied at the end of world war IX, so I guess both of those alliances won (win-win situation :D)

  4. snork July 13, 2024 (6:17 am)

    No victor

  5. Spotty July 13, 2024 (9:00 am)

    No victor

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