Battle Report: The Combat for the Migrator

On July 9th, the Army of Club Penguin attempted to invade the server Migrator from the Squids. With both sides supported by their allies, this battle was undoubtedly memorable. Let us go deeper into this battle.

Battle Report

Designed by Edu14463

Inside Mine  – ARmy of club penguin

The Clovers Plus Outperformed the Squids L

The Army of Club Penguin entered the room first, followed swiftly by Squids who immediately assumed an upside-down T form. In the first minute, the sizes appeared to be 22–20 in favor of Squids. After both armies moved, the Squids were passive after forming a triangle, while the Clovers created a V. It was noted that although the Squids had a small advantage, ACP was way more coordinated and faster. At the 5-minute mark, the sizes were 22–18 in favor of the cephalopods, a drop for ACP. Following the bomb, ACP created a nice plus compared to Squids’ L which was too bunched. Therefore, the Army of Club Penguin won by dominating the first room compared to their opponent’s lack of speed and bunched formations.

DockS – Squids

The Squids seemingly cover the Clovers

Entering the Docks first, the Army of Club Penguin formed an anchor while the Squids formed a backward L. This allowed the Squids to cover their enemies. The sizes were 23-22 in favor of the Squids. They soon started to waterfall at :13 minutes, exposing gaps in ACP’s anchor formation. Squids soon established a plus, and after they did, ACP began to bomb and formed an X to come into contact with Squids’ plus sizes, which were once again 24-19 in Squids’ favor. ACP attempted to waterfall at :17 but was blocked by a fast bomb from Squids. Later, the tentacle army created an X, and ACP formed a UV. This choice of formation made the Clovers look smaller and subject to coverage. Thus, Squids won room 2 because they dominated the room with their speed and coverage.

STadIum – TIE

The Closest Room of the Battle

Squids were the first to enter Stadium as they moved on to the next place, while ACP pulled them from behind. While ACP formed a Plus, the Squids were able to build a large V. However, both armies displayed flaws in different ways. For example, ACP’s plus had too many gaps in their formation and Squids were still slower compared to their opponents. After that, ACP began to rake at minute :23, and the Squids began to follow along. The Clovers arranged themselves into a Y formation after raking, and it took some time for the Squids to circle the Stadium rink. Soon later, Squids repeatedly created an upside-down T formation, while ACP formed a V. This room was not taken away by either army and room 3 resulted in a tie. An overtime room was overdue.


Battle Report

The Squids successfully defend Migrator

The first army entering the room were the Squids, who instantly created a plus while ACP came up with an upside-down T form. The sizes were 20–19, nearly identical. Both armies switched their formations at the minute :38. The Squids immediately formed a V, but ACP soon created a plus. The reason ACP failed there was because there were too many gaps in their formation, which the squids covered with their tentacles over time. ACP began bombing again at minute :41, and the Squids followed suit 30 seconds later. Following the conclusion of their bombing, the two armies formed up, with the Squids making an X and the ACP entering in an upside-down Y. This choice of formation allowed the cephalopods to completely cover the Clovers. Thus, the Squids were able to defend Migrator successfully.

With assistance from allies, the Squids were able to defeat the Army of Club Penguin and win this battle. For some this outcome may be surprising. Do you believe they will cross paths again in the future? Will the Squids assist the Secret Service in defending the Migrator from the Sapphire Concordat? Keep an eye on the news!

Ninja Leader

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