Roxy Inducted as ACP’s 52nd Commander-in-Chief

Ahead of the beginning of their Legends Cup XIV campaign, the Army of Club Penguin has strengthened their leadership as they have officially announced the induction of Roxy. She will join Ugly in the leadership of the Clovers, with the army planning to add another Commander soon. This is intended to be done to form another triumvirate leadership.


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Belonging to the AUSIA timezone, Roxy started off her time in armies by joining the Help Force, a huge powerhouse in that division. As Sanya recruited her into the Army of Club Penguin, Roxy soon switched her army. Her activity in the recruiting division of the Clovers, named Recruiting Force, helped her become a Moderator. Amid efforts in the revival of the Recruiting Force, she was welcomed to the High Command in October 2021. However, her tenure as the last standing High Commander of the army at that time soon ended.


After a long hiatus, in January 2024, Roxy returned to the Army of Club Penguin. Her vision was to help the army develop in every aspect. She began as part of the Staff Team and soon escalated into the High Command. She became the leader of the AUSIA division for the Clovers. Under her leadership, the AUSIA division has constantly performed well. She has also been managing the Recruiting Force as a Recruitment Supervisor, resulting in it continuously improving.

Around the World Cup – [AUSIA[ ACP vs WH

Leading up to the Legends Cup XIV, The army made numerous changes/additions to their staff team. They welcomed back the triumvirate of 2023 to the High Command. On June 22nd, 2024, Ugly took to the announcement channel of the ACP server to send a post announcing the promotion of Roxy to the position of the 52nd Commander-in-Chief of the Clovers.

2024 Triumvirate?

The Clovers also revealed their intentions to eventually form another triumvirate, hoping that it replicates the success of the 2020 and the 2023 triumvirate. To accomplish this, the Army aims to induct its 53rd Commander-in-Chief soon.

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Roxy, to gain some insight into her plans to improve the army.

How do you feel about getting inducted as a leader?

It is nerve wracking to be inducted as a leader for an army that has been known by the community for a long time. I’m really honored to server as leader to ACP, considering it has always meant something very special to me. I honestly would’ve never thought I’d reach this far, but I did. Overall, I’m really happy about this.

How do you aim to improve the army as a leader?

My main aim to improve the army as of now is to improve tactically in the battlefield. This process definitely takes a long time, but I am determined to make it happen with a lot of recruiting and mentoring.

What are the goals you wish to accomplish during the tenure of your leadership?

The goals I would like to accomplish definitely includes winning the Legends Cup this year. I want to see ACP dominating the CPA game under my leadership, attaining maxes that the community hasn’t seen in years.

With the Clovers strengthening the staff team pre-Legends Cup XIV, what do you think are the odds of the army winning the tournament?

ACP definitely has high chances in winning the tournament this year with the recent staff changes we have brought. We are focusing on expanding the staff team as a whole, which will definitely play a huge role in grabbing the LC trophy. We have a team who are tirelessly working with the determination to win.

Do you have anything to add?


Roxy, not expecting herself to be on the leadership, is glad to be given the opportunity. She hopes to utilize the opportunity well and aims to make the Clovers better on the battlefield. Roxy wishes to do this by the method of recruiting and mentoring members. She desires to see ACP winning the Legends Cup and dominating the other armies. Only time will tell if Roxy achieves her ambitions.

Till then, Club Penguin Armies wishes the best of luck to both Roxy and ACP for their future endeavors. Do you think Roxy will succeed in achieving her goals? Who do you think is going to finish ACP’s triumvirate leadership? Do you think the Clovers will succeed in winning the Legends Cup XIV?


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