Aliens Arrive At the Community

The Aliens have landed once again. Watch how the army establishes itself in the community for a second time since 2020.

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On June 25, the Aliens of Club Penguin conducted an opening event. This event was the first to be featured and advertised using the new opening event promotion feature offered by the league. At the event, the Aliens acquired the highest size of 17 penguins, allowing them to register their army. This is not the first time, however, that they have appeared in the community. Under the guidance of Alien leaders Tena and Suvi, alongside co-founder Bestpenguin of Aliens, the army is preparing to cultivate new relationships. Bestpenguin had also invited troops from the army’s past, creating a nostalgic atmosphere. Their reopening event was named Operation: Moo.

Aliens revival event June 24, 2024

Humble Origins

In November 2018, Sans, founder of Aliens, laid the foundation of the Aliens and offered Bestpenguin to help him co-found the army. Fortunately, they were able to consistently acquire sizes of over 40 penguins on the Club Penguin Online private server. However, the army only aged several months, eventually shutting down on May 16th, 2020, the day CPO shut down. The closure was primarily due to internal conflicts and the absence of a Club Penguin private server. Following the closure, their Discord server was rebranded into Space Galaxy, a gaming and social community.

The Aliens at an event on November 29, 2019

Throughout the two generations, the army faced war against the Penguin Defense Force, as well as a war against most major armies in 2020. This war saw the Pirates, the Ice Warriors, the Golds, and the Special Weapons and Tactics compete against the Aliens, though the Aliens lost to this fairly close war.

Aliens in a war battle against an alliance on February 16, 2020.

The Aliens were also able to defeat the Templars and the Skinnies Society at the CPO Summer Bash tournament in 2019. However, they lost to the Pirates in the Semi-Finals of the tournament. Meanwhile, in June of the same year, Bestpenguin joined the army’s leadership, subsequently after he retired from the Help Force. The Aliens entered the Christmas Chaos tournament in December, reaching the Semi-Finals, but losing to the Dark Warriors.

Club Penguin Armies approached Aliens leader Bestpenguin to have a few questions answered.

What motivated you to reopen the army?

We, along with most of the Aliens staff and our lovely people, want to relive the nostalgia of the events we used to host at Aliens. We’re here for nostalgia and fun

Do you think this generation would be more successful than the previous?

Well, I think this generation of Aliens can never be the same as before, without our beloved leaders, staffs and members of past. But I’m certain this generation of aliens will rise and become a major army once again. I’m sure this time Aliens will be more peaceful and fun than before. At Aliens, under my leadership we still deeply value our strong team and prioritize loyalty and trust among our staff members and our troops. No doubt, this generation of Aliens will be successful and unique in it’s own way.

Why did you close the army in 2020? Do you think the closure was justified?

In 2020, we made the difficult decision to close Aliens due to the overwhelming toxicity and unwanted negativity we encountered within the army community. Initially, we intended to shut down Aliens in April 2020, but encountered obstacles when CPO admins took ownership of our server. With the death of CPO, we saw an opportunity to peacefully reclaim our server and exit the turmoil surrounding CPO. The memories we shared at Aliens and the bonds with our community were deeply cherished by myself and the entire alien staff team. Our primary concern was to get out of it from the CPO scene with minimal disruption and safeguarding our server. The entire experience was incredibly draining for our team, prompting us to collectively decide to step away from the army community.

What have you kept for your army’s future?

I’m excited about our army’s future and the fun-filled events we have planned. I have numerous creative and unique ideas for events to host in CPAB that I’m sure no other army would even think of. With the support of my original staff team and our wonderful friends, I am confident that we can rise Aliens once again as a major army in the community.

To us, Aliens isn’t just an army, it’s a family❤️

Do you have any other message to the army community? If so, what is it?

We’re excited for Aliens to rise again, and my message to the army community is simple: let’s share the love and support we’ve always deserved. In armies, while achieving high numbers is important, so is ensuring everyone has a great time and feels valued. As a S/M Legend, I’ve found that prioritizing relationships over sheer numbers not only boosts morale but also enhances overall performance. Let’s focus together on building strong bonds in the army community.❤️

In conclusion, it seems that the reappearance of the Aliens has certainly created some noise in the army community. Aliens leader Bestpenguin looks undoubtedly confident about the success of this generation. As the leader plans to foster fresh relationships, this army is certainly one worth inspiring from. This old army starts to fashion itself for a second time. And, we wish the very best for the army’s future endeavors. What is your reaction to the return of the Aliens? What do you think they will be able to achieve over the next few months?

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Hi! I am Fun X Time, formerly and popularly known as Krill 300, or simply Krill. I am currently serving as a Commander-in-Chief at the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) since November 2023. I have been in armies since February 2020. I am interested in computer science, programming, physics, chemistry, and biology. What about you?

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