Battle Report: Weekend of Preparations #3

On June 22nd a third practice battle occurred, but this time it was between the People’s Imperial Confederation and the Water Vikings. This battle may have been short, but there was a lot of determination throughout it.

Designed by Edu14463

COVE – People’s Imperial


WV in horizontal line and PIC in X formation

The battle started in the Cove with People’s Imperial Confederation entering first followed by the Water Vikings. PIC formed an Upside-Down V while WV had done the same form. PIC was covering the Vikings and the sizes were 14-9 in favor of PIC. The Confederation raked out of their form going into an X formation. The Vikings broke their formation by clockwise bombing into an Upside-Down T. It was noticed that PIC’s speed was a lot faster. Throughout this hard-fought battle, the Confederation demonstrated their speed and dominance in the Cove. Due to these reasons, PIC were declared the victor of the first room.


PIC in V formation

Moving on to the next room, the Confederates once again entered first. However, it was noticed that the Vikings had logged off. Despite the Vikings logging off, PIC continued to battle for the remaining 10 minutes of the room. PIC had gone into an Upside Down Y formation. PIC then bombed out of their form, going into a V formation. At the end of this room, since the Vikings logged off, PIC was declared the victor of this practice battle.

With the Confederation claiming victory in this practice battle, it has undoubtedly boosted the morale of their troops. However, the outcome also highlighted areas for improvement before they meet again in Legends Cup XIV. What were your thoughts on the battle between WV and PIC? Who do you predict will win their battle in the Legends Cup on Sunday, June 30th?

Reporter in Training

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