Club Penguin is our favorite childhood game, but we cannot forget about the minigames that are within it. Let us explore the importance of minigames on Club Penguin and ourselves.

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Club Penguin minigames play a huge role in providing us players with a fun time while playing Club Penguin. We can even add that Club Penguin would have been almost unplayable without these minigames to keep us occupied. Let’s take sled racing for example, can you imagine Club Penguin existing without sled racing? How would we be able to decide on things without that game? It is clear that to this day, many armies rely on sled racing as a source of entertainment for after-event activities. This 2005 game has been part of our childhood whether we liked it or not.

Sled Racing Minigame
What is your favorite Club Penguin Minigame and why?
Coolguy, Executive Producer: Sled Racing – I’ve always been good at sled racing and liked challenging people to try and win haha.
Roxy, ACP Leader: I like sled racing because it’s just fun with a lot of competition, plus it’s really easy to play but can be frustrating at times
but overall, it’s really fun to do sled racing tournaments compared to other mini games.
The next game on our list is Ice Fishing, it was one of the games where we did make some serious coins. The game was found in the cabin in the Ski Lodge. Players had to catch as many fish as possible before the giant red Mullet fish appeared in the last stage. Players could buy the Flashing Lure Fishing Rod item to catch additional grey fish and the Mullet at the end. The grey fish and mullet that we caught did provide some extra cash for us to buy more items in the game.

Coins earned after a round of Ice Fishing
Sans38, Army Community: Ice fishing, because its calming.
WilliamW2010, Special Weapons and Tactics: Ice fishing, It is easy for the reward given.
Another game that launched in the same year as Ice Fishing in 2006 was Cart Surfer. As risky as it sounds, it was one of the shortest games to complete and the payout was great. The game required skill and a lot of attention; any mistake would result in losing cart lives. This was one of the older games that allowed you to use the black Puffle as a surfing buddy.

Playing Cart Surfer with your black Puffle
TD999, Squids Leader: Cart surfer because it’s played by the real pros with only the best skills!!! And well you can make the most coins in the shortest time possible.
Jewl, Water Vikings: cart surfer, it’s just exhilarating to play and very easy to earn coins. simply fun and earn aton.
Aubz, Community Committee Head:My fav cp mini game is either cart surfer or smoothie smash. Cart surfer brings back so much nostalgia of my brother and I farming coins to decorate my igloo and smoothie smash is unironically so fun to play!
Now we move onto the game some of you really liked or despised, Catchin’ Waves or the most difficult minigame in CP. This game really will keep you on your toes at all times. It had four different modes where you either get surf lessons, surf freely, surf in a competition, or try to survive while sharks try to eat you. In this game, you had to try to not get caught in the wave, not drown by moving downwards too much, and not lose control while you try making your penguin fly. I would not even go near survival mode, since I trust the instincts of my red Puffle.

Catchin’ Waves with a red Puffle.
Zenshira, Help Force: Catching Waves. Solely due to the number of coins you can get per hour once you get all the stamps, while using the silverboard. Here’s my secret, do as many 14 flip jumps as you can. If you can manage 15 flips, even better. Spamming D also seems to increase the score rapidly. I can get 2000-4000 coins every 2 minutes; however, I’ve seen someone manage to get over 6000.Also, fun fact: There was a question in the Infinite Tower during the Medieval Party of CPJ where you had to answer, “Which one of these games earns the most coins?” I’ll let the readers decide on that one.
Speaking of challenging games, we have Dance Contest! Dance contest is similar to another real-life game known as Dance Dance Revolution. In this minigame, you are allowed to choose one of the music records you bought from the Nightclub. After choosing a song, the fun starts. You had three difficulties to choose from and the more moves you hit, the more hype the crowd would be.

Dancing towards perfection!
Snork, Winged Hussars Leader: My favorite club penguin minigame is Dance Contest! I love listening to the different songs and I happen to be good at it unlike a lot of other minigames.
Moving on, Aqua Grabber was surprisingly an old minigame from 2008. This minigame had you go deep in the ocean to steal pearls from clams or purple soda barrels. The game was able to provide us with a lot of special interactions like the giant Squid, a gold-stealing crab, a giant clam, and sneaky worms. Furthermore, despite it being one of the most time-consuming minigames, it provides a large amount of money depending on your loot. Additionally, being able to bring your pink Puffle along is a sweet deal.

Grabbing a Mullet in Aqua Grabber
Ugly, ACP Leader: Aqua Grabber cuz I used to get a shit ton of money from it lmfao
Ivus, Army Community: My favorite mini-game is Aqua Grabber. It’s incredibly fun, as I had all the stamps in that allowed me to earn ton of coins in one go.
Now we have reached the game most of you have been waiting for, Card-Jitsu and its three elements. We all had fond memories when playing these games. In the Card-Jitsu minigame, we would be able to win belts and clothing items that showcase our skills. belts were a badge of honor and being able to enter new rooms like the ninja hideout was a bonus. Card Jitsu made us have fun and laugh when we won a round. Fire made us appreciate the power our cards hold. Water made us push ourselves by avoiding the waterfall. Snow presented the opportunity to wield powerful weapons and fight Tusk.

The original Card-Jutsu minigame
Ninja Leader, Dark Pirates Leader: My favorite club penguin mini game is card jitsu because it is a fun card game which has three elements fire water and air and when u get to the black belt you get the ninja suit which matches my discord name 😁
Joel, Squids Leader: Card jitsu because its goated. It’s fun, and u get something to show for it rather than coins.
ROOBOO, Help Force Leader: I’m honestly a huge fan of the whole Club Penguin Island. From the mini games to the activities, you can do all around, even meeting different penguins, I think the concept is massive. If I had to choose one, it’ll be the Card Jitsu Elements ones. Once the Original CP opened Card Jitsue Fire, Water, and Snow and we had this very cool Medal on our necks, it became even more amazing. The Game itself is an original of the CP world, and the concept of the elements Fire, Water, and Snow were used in different games, activities, and events later on. Card Jitsu the original will forever be a legendary mini-game of CP. Something to add… You guys don’t understand how much of a fan I am of Sensei. I always fanboy over him and the day I saw him was the day my heart sank to death because of how much I wish I met him. Back then there wasn’t tracking websites that easily, so meeting a Mascot was SUCH a thing… I promise it was like meeting a Celebrity. So I love him and love how he’s the father and greater Ninja and has millions of Ninja Trainees. He’s beyond a Legend. I love all mascots though don’t get me wrong.
The final game on our list is Smoothie Smash. This 2012 minigame was introduced after the Adventure Party: Temple of Fruits theme. It saw you prepare some drinks for other penguins or polar bears, using your feet. I would not drink anything that is produced by this minigame, but at least it looks fun.

Playing Smoothie Smash
Alucard, PIC Leader: My favorite mini-game has to be Smoothie Smash. Very unique game and the overall challenging aspect is fun.
For me, it is difficult to choose any of these games, since I grew up with almost all of them. One minigame I didn’t see mentioned is System Defender. As a fan of strategy games like Command and Conquer, this game requires great use of strategy and planning. Despite its difficulty, I think it was a great challenge to complete all the levels and make the right choices.

System Defender Minigame
It is clear that many of us prefer different minigames over the other, but these minigames are all part of Club Penguin. We are all united by our love for CP and the great minigames that it provided us. Let us know what is your favorite Club Penguin minigame? Why do you think so?
Toxic Storm
Senior Reporter
icl sled race but mainly bc the music is so goofy HELPP