Battle Report: Weekend of Preparations #2

On June 22nd, another practice battle took place: this time, between the Elite Guardians and the Help Force. Even though this battle was not judged, we are exploring the details of this battle and critically analyzing it. Join us in this battle report!

Battle Report

Designed by Edu14463


A Neat HF’s X against a messy EGCP’s L

The battle began with both armies joining the Snow Forts simultaneously. The Guardians formed a V, while the Helpers entered in a backward L. Help Force’s formation was neat compared to EGCP’s gappy V. Because of the room’s shape, the V was smaller than it should have been. In terms of size, both armies were on par throughout the entire battle: around 20 troops each. After movements from both sides, EGCP quickly formed a backward L, while the Helpers struggled to construct an X at first. After a few seconds, they fixed it and it became clean. In this room, an X works out perfectly against an L, as it occupies the most areas of the room compared to the latter.

In the last third of the room, EGCP made a neat upside-down V, while Help Force’s formation was hard to decipher. I believe it was something like an arrow or an upside-down T with a really messy and curved vertical. Regardless, the Guardians improved their performance and were more dominant than HF at this moment. If I were to judge this battle, I would have ruled this room either a TIE or an HF victory.


Cute combo!

In the first third of the Docks, EGCP entered in a clean upside-down T, while the Helpers made an upside-down V. This is a classic combination of formations. However, the V ended up looking smaller than the T, although both armies had their fair share of coverage exchange. Later on, HF formed a plus, and EGCP took the shape of an X. This is also a classic; but it does nothing but tie the entire third. No army stood out as dominant at this moment. Next, EGCP took HF’s form, making a plus, while the latter chose to make a Y. HF’s formation made them look very small, and the diagonals of the Y were very short because of the shape of the Docks. The plus made the Guardians look larger than their opponents, as their vertical covered HF. Therefore, I would consider this room an EGCP victory!


EGCP vs. HF Room 3

The last room of the battle saw the Guardians make a plus yet again, while the Helpers chose to make an upside-down T. The Elite Guardians were still holding an advantage over their opponents, given HF were seemingly slower and their formation choice was not a good counter. Next, the Guardians formed a clean V compared to HF’s L. L’s in Iceberg are very risky – either they work out entirely or they fail. The V had a qualitative advantage over the L, which was quite messy. Nevertheless, HF had more active troops compared to EGCP, which had a considerable amount of AFK troops across this room. Lastly, both armies bombed, with HF entering an upside-down V and EGCP forming an upside-down T. Lack of creativity was indeed an issue that both armies faced. I wonder if they wanted to play safe because of their close sizes. Because of these factors, I’d have ruled this room as a TIE or a slight EGCP victory; not a clear win.

This was a very interesting battle to report. Both armies had close sizes throughout the confrontation, but – for an unknown reason – did not make use of creative formations and decided to play safe. What would you have done differently as an army leader? Do you agree with my observations?


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Army Legend. Former Water Ninjas leader. Founder and Former Leader of the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin. Currently serving as Executive Producer in Club Penguin Armies.

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