Memorable Moments with Superhero123

Superhero123 is certainly one of the most well-known people in the community. Famous for creating Club Penguin Army Battleground, there is more to Superhero than meets the eye.


Designed by Edu14463

Superhero123 is an army veteran who began his career in the original Club Penguin back in 2013. He joined many armies during his days, such as the Shadow TroopsWatex Warriors, and Golden Troops. However, his stay was not long in any of those armies, and he did not achieve a spotlight position in any of those. Until, that is, he ingressed in Smart Penguins, where he quickly ascended the ranks and became a well known figure in the community.


Smart Penguin’s First Event in 2013

Back in 2019, Super found his way back into the community. During this new era, Superhero’s impact became even greater in the community. Despite not being in any army, he earned the title of Army Legend for the creation of Club Penguin Armies: The Game, the first fully functional army-focused CPPS. Due to his unaffiliation for the time being, he spent the year as an administrator of the army league at the time alongside DMT.

However, due to legal problems and the death of Flash, CPATG had to close in late 2020. That led Super to become affiliated with armies again. He spent his career creating several prominent Small/Medium armies during this period, such as the Green Mercenaries and the Golden Guardians. But it was not until the Warlords of Kosmos that another huge transformation happened in Superhero’s career. He was contacted by Pjayo, one of the co-creators of GG, to merge their armies. Thus resulting in the start of the Water Vikings CPPS generation.

Super in a Warlords of Kosmos Event

Two years later, retiring after his tenure in WV, Super started working on a brand new project. And so in April 2022, he released Club Penguin Armies Battleground. This time, remade all in the HTML5 engine, Yukon, due to the loss of Flash Player. That way, it continued to be one of the greatest achievements of the army community to this day. With many tournaments, battles, and community events that the server hosted, it is truly a milestone that will go down in history.

With such lore under his belt, Club Penguin Armies reached out to Superhero123 to find out more about his personal experiences in the community.

What is the moment that impacted you the most back in the Vanilla Club Penguin?

I would say it was definitely when Vivek dmed me on Xat back in September 2013, asking me to join his upcoming army the “Smarty Penguins” (later renamed to Smart Penguins). I ended up spending the majority of my original army career on SP and have tons of fun.

Is there any favorite memory from your time in Smart Penguins?

I would say my favourite moment was probably during the spring of 2014 when Smart Penguins won SMAC’s Continental Cup, a SM army tournament.

What were your inspirations for creating army-based Club Penguin servers?

I made a return in the community on May 2019, after being invited to an army veteran reunion organized by Flen. It was at this point where I was informed of the current army situation, where armies were scattered across multiple different servers and didn’t interact much with each other. My primary motive was creating a unified environment for army warfare, and CPATG was very successful on that regard.

I also disliked CPO due to the first wave of scandals that had gotten to the surface by that time and I wanted to provide a safer alternative.

Lastly, I always had in my mind an older attempt by CPAC in creating a CPPS back in 2015 and, while their server was really laggy and bad, it did prove to me that armies could benefit from the custom features a CPPS can offer.

What were your favorite moments during your tenure in the Water Vikings?

If we are only talking about the time I was HCOM/Leader I enjoyed our wars against Templars a lot, as well as our war against SWAT. Favorite moments of mine are our victories in those wars.

Who were the people that impacted you the most in Armies?

There is a ton and I am sure I will be forgetting some.

In terms of friendships its people like Guncotton, Df44 and Claire.

In terms of mentors Vivek was my first real mentor in armies and the reason I got that deep into this community. DMT was my mentor in media/league stuff, and Kingfunks4 was my mentor in WV. I would also consider Coolster114 a mentor of mine after working together with him on various CPA history interviews.

In terms of impact I also have to mention Epic for our coexistence in SP and for our later major (and often conflicting) roles in the army community.

We can clearly see how these moments helped shape the CPAB developer we all know today. Superhero truly made a great career inside Club Penguin Armies and continues to impact it even today. What do you think will be his next step? Will we see Super back in the ranks of an army again? We, at Club Penguin Armies, wish all the best for Super’s future projects.



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Reporter. Elite Guardians of Club Penguin 14th Leader and Legend (2023-Present). Army community member since 2017. Coherced by Edu14463 to do Club Penguin Armies for a living.

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