Pride Month: Pridegrams Of 2024

During this year’s Pride Month, Club Penguin Armies’ Community Commitee has decided to host Pridegrams, where people can send messages to each other. In just one week, our community has managed to send an impressive total of 245 messages. In this article, we will discuss the best of them.

Designed by Master DS


Throughout this edition, we have witnessed some self-appreciation grams from people. While they may initially come across as lighthearted, they carry a deeper message for our community. It is a good reminder to always prioritize self-respect and self-love. Living in harmony with your mind, body, and emotions is crucial. We are grateful for that kind of grams, and we hope to see more of them in the future!

Always love yourself!

HAPPY 2014!

During the research for this post, we came across a lighthearted message from Hampterio, a well-known member of the Water Vikings community, wishing Spotty, who holds the position of the Head Judge, a joyful 2014. It’s not clear whether the message was meant as a joke or if it referred to something specific that we may not know about. However, it’s heartwarming to see how people can brighten each other’s days by sharing funny messages.

Happy 2014!


The forms allowed for anonymous posts, which many people used to share various messages with specific individuals. However, the community was interested in a user who went by the name Anonymous (B.). This user used formal language, making it easy to distinguish their real posts from the fake ones that started to appear, often featuring large amounts of fun content. Despite the obvious nature of these fake posts, they added intrigue to the situation and provided the community with plenty of entertainment, as they tried to uncover the identity of the anonymous community member. The true identity of Anonymous (B.) remains a mystery, but if they are reading this, we want to express our gratitude for the wonderful grams that brought smiles to so many of us!

A heartwarming message from Anonymous B.


Some members took the opportunity to write a message for their army. This allowed them to express their gratitude toward the community they started in or their current one without writing multiple messages to different members. The messages varied from wholesome expressions of gratitude to some fun and lighthearted ones.

A message for the Help Force


In this edition of Pridegrams, Mchappy has decided to write a message to the entire Club Penguin Armies community. In his message, he expressed gratitude for being able to serve the community. He also mentioned that probably nobody had predicted the league would last this long. Mchappy’s message ended with wishing everyone Happy Pride and encouraging everyone to always be true to themselves. This is of course something the entire team wishes for you, and we are so thankful to Mchappy for this amazing message.

Mchappy’s message to the community

The Pridegrams event this year was a huge success. As previously mentioned, the community managed to write a total of 245 messages, most of which were really nice and heartwarming. We wish everyone a Happy Pride Month! Did you write or receive a gram this year? 

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One Response

  1. unknow L June 22, 2024 (5:44 pm)

    I’ll discover Anonymous B

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