Legends Cup XIV: Qualifier Predictions

Following the beginning of summer, the prestigious Legends Cup tournament is set to begin this Saturday with the qualifiers round. Let us see what the community’s predictions are on which army will qualify for the first round.


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This year sees a twist in the elimination standards for the Legends Cup XIV. The decided format was double elimination, with the losing army entering a loser bracket and the winning army continuing onto the winner’s track. Ultimately, the champions of both brackets will meet each other in the Grand Finals. There is a total of nine armies preparing for high-stakes battles.

Before the first round, a qualifier round is scheduled to take place this weekend. The armies fighting in it are the Special Weapons and Tactics and the Squids. This is certainly an intriguing match, as SWAT’s performance in tournaments is usually not on par with most Small/Medium armies. However, the Squids are a newly-revived army. Even though they had sizes above 15-20 in some events, they are known for being only a meme army. Thus, the outcome of the battle promises to be interesting. Now, let us see which army the community predicts will move onto the first round.

Legends Cup XIV Brackets

Special Weapons and Tactics vs. Squids

Flypin1, Community Committee: I think that Squids has the ability to perform very well and that gives them a shot at winning the battle. But ultimately you never know who’s gonna win a battle.

Mabel, Moderator: Squids seems to have some potentially recently with their events, but most of their people are dual enlists lol so they won’t have people eligible to even attend for the tournament anyways. SWAT will likely win this battle just because of that, maybe with a similar size advantage, but if SWAT can improve with all the advice they’ve been given in the past few weeks, I can see them winning a room or two with probably a tie inbetween.

Moon, Moderator: I think the Squids are gonna win ngl. looking at how swat preforms at tournaments, i think squids just might have a better shot at winning.

Niko, Reporter: I think SWAT will win this. They have more experience with battles and tournaments, which will be one of the most important factors in their winning, but I wish all the best to the squids and hope they give their opponent a tough battle.

Zez, Youtuber: I think the Squids will win because they are better than SWAT.

It seems the community’s predictions are conflicted over who might be victorious in the Qualifier Round battle this weekend. Therefore, all we can do now is wait for this weekend and see which predictions will match reality. Which army do YOU think will advance to the First Round?


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