Opinion: Silverburg Lists Top 5 Armies of All Time

What are the best armies of all time? This is a question that many have posed themselves across the years in this community. Today, Army Legend and Veteran Silverburg will write his own views on this matter.


My name is Silverburg. I served in the army community from 2010-2021, which was 11 years of my life that perhaps I could have spent on something better. However, like many of the colleagues I have met along the way, I developed a deep attachment with this community that lots of us take for granted.

Now, in that time, there have been several armies that have risen and fallen, and we’ve been privileged enough to witness the golden age of many armies. This would include the pandemic times for some of you new-comers, but also in periods like 2013; where Elmikey‘s Rebel Penguin Federation and Puckley‘s Nachos breathed new life into the community, and in 2009 when Boomer20‘s Army of Club Penguin and Person1223‘s Nachos rallied the community together to fight off the vicious hacker group named IATW (I Am The Walrus). In this steep history of armies that has lasted nearly 20 years, many people like to rank these armies in terms of power and skill. Which army truly was the best to ever do it? Who had the best leaders?

Today I will be giving my opinion on the Top 5 Armies that have ever existed within this community. Like all good stories, we must start at the beginning!

5. Doritos of Club Penguin

The Doritos of Club Penguin were founded on February 8th, 2010 by another army legend by the name of Wwebestfan. Within the calendar year, the Doritos became strong enough to go head-to-head with armies like the Nachos and Underground Mafias Army and even managed to defeat the latter army in a war later that year. Under the leadership of Wwebestfan and Bam117, the Doritos remained a solid army for several years, constantly challenging for #1 on Club Penguin Army Central and even managing #1 several times in 2012!

In 2013, the Doritos were introduced to the leadership skills of Mustapha10, one of the greatest leaders of the last decade. Under his leadership, the Doritos became a powerhouse. Mustapha10 received Penguin of the Year in 2015 due to his army performing better than any other, and accomplishing many feats including a very entertaining war between the Doritos and Ice Warriors led by the Drew Crew. After a temporary shutdown coinciding with that of Club Penguin, the Doritos managed to revive themselves on CPO under Mustapha’s leadership and managed sizes of over 100+. Though tournament wins were infrequent in the army, having only won the Christmas Chaos in 2016, the Doritos earned their spot in the top 5 due to the quality of leaders, the sizes achieved, and the overall influence that both Mustapha10 and Wwebestfan had on the community overall.


Doritos during an event

4. Dark Warriors

The Dark Warriors were founded in May of 2007 by CP Army Legend Ambrosha. For years the army stayed rather irrelevant on a lower profile. However, once CPA Legends SaW and xiUnknown took over, the army became one of the more significant groups in the community. They became feared due to the staff’s proclivity to use cyber warfare, like DDoS attacks, site defacements, doing, and more. However, their performance in the game of armies proved to be a solid distraction from the more dubious sides of their actions. The Dark Warriors managed to truly make their mark by defeating the Ice Warriors in Christmas Chaos 2012, a tournament in which the Ice Warriors had high odds of winning.

After a brief shutdown due to the retirement of Saw and Unk, a new leadership came about in the form of Freezie66 and Spi101. “Spreezie”, as they were dubbed, managed to achieve #1 on CPAC multiple times and send fear throughout the community with their leadership skills. However, when the Dark Warriors ran into the Rebel Penguin Federation in Christmas Chaos 2013, they faced defeat. Freezie took notice of this defeat, and once Elmikey was removed from the RPF for nefarious reasons, he became the new Dark Warrior leader.

Along with Freezie, Toy, Vo Yo, and Silverburg, the Dark Warriors became the strongest army in 2014, achieving #1 on CPAC a record 26 times in the entire year. Along with a victory in Christmas Chaos that same year against Waterkid‘s Light Troops, eventually the leadership fell apart and the Dark Warriors shut down. There were many more periods of revival for the army under Freezie66 and xxToysoldier, and through these efforts, the Dark Warriors managed to rank just under the Top Three.


Dark Warriors Event on CP

3. Ice Warriors

The Ice Warriors were created by Iceyfeet1234 in June 2007. After some early quarrels in the leadership during the early days, the Ice Warriors managed to max around 80+ penguins consistently. Iceyfeet eventually left leading duties to Albert417, who performed valiantly in making the Ice Warriors a consistent top army. For nearly 7 years the Ice Warriors were at their peak, but after 2013 the sizes did fall off.

Thankfully, a new blossoming leader had taken an interest in leading the army. The Drew Crew consisting of Andrew24, Ghost, Flamez, and Final Chaser quickly improved the army, turning them into a world power once again. Being #1 on CPAC was almost an expectation in the years between 2015-2016. Amongst casual Club Penguin players, the Ice Warriors are by far one of the most known armies due to their influence and recruiting acumen. A very worthy spot for an army of such significance.


2. Nachos of CP

The Nacho Army was founded in August 2006 by Jamesbond1. From that time they actively competed with older armies like the Romans and the Agents. Under the leadership of their successor, Shadow2446, the Nachos developed into a legendary sight on the “Mammoth” server on Club Penguin, never backing down from a fight. Under Shadow, Tom Wolf, and Zippy, the Nachos developed into a world power, even being able to take on the likes of ACP. 2009 was the year when the Nachos really caught wind. Due to the Winter Fiesta, the Nachos were able to mass recruit and achieve sizes of over 100 under the leadership of Person1123. For almost three years the ACP and Nachos fought over who was the best, but by 2012 the Nachos had surpassed ACP under the brilliant leadership of Puckley.

However, in 2013, the Nachos faced a new threat in the form of the RPF. While the war ended in a ceasefire, the RPF had established a new standard within the community. With the advent of auto typing, the Nachos had to find ways to adapt. Under the leadership of Kevin, the Nachos managed to stay strong and even win the last CPAC-hosted Legends Cup in 2017. Of the major armies, the Nachos are the only ones who chose to stay shut down instead of reviving themselves on private servers. In my honest opinion, this adds to their legacy as they already accomplished more than enough to prove that the Nachos were a true army that represented the values that old armies used to have.


1. Army of Club Penguin

An obvious pick for number one would be the Army of Club Penguin. Founded in September 2006 by Oagalthorp, not only is ACP one of the oldest armies of all time, but it’s also the army that has the greatest history. Even if you weren’t in armies, you knew about the ACP. That is just how popular they really were.

Even though they didn’t win many tournaments and fell off after 2012, the success they achieved while Club Penguin was relevant is nothing to scoff about. Not only that, but the leaders they had in that period were the perfect all-star team. Oagalthorp, Boomer20, Shaboomboom, Mchappy, Flipmoo, Skipper, Bobcatboy, Kenneth1000. Also, I would be remiss to include the ACP Leaders who revived the army after Club Penguin shut down like Koloway and Calgocub21, who both did magnificent jobs. It is also noticeable that the Clovers went on the win the most wars in the community. Furthermore, they were the ones to create records that armies only broke in the private server era because of the 2020 pandemic. The list could go on and on, but it goes without saying that the ACP is the most influential army of all time.


Real Number 1: Rebel Penguin Federation

You can call me biased if you want, but there’s only one army that broke Boomer’s size record by hitting 189+ on Club Penguin. Only one army broke ACP’s site view record from 19,000 in 2007 to what RPF got in 2020 (23,000 views). RPF has won the most tournaments and has the greatest leaders like Elmikey, Silverburg, Crazzy, Popsiclebeak, Commando717, etc. We broke every record, won the most Legends Cups, Christmas Chaos, you name it. Any record in regards to size, RPF reigns supreme. The greatest to ever do it.

This was my first post in six years. I hope it was enjoyable and worthy of this website. God bless and never forget that you have intrinsic value as a human being. Love you a long time

Without a doubt, the armies listed by Silverburg left a major mark in our community. Without them, Club Penguin Armies would never be what it is nowadays. Do you agree with the list presented? Which army would you remove or include?


RPF Legend, Army Legend

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