Protectors Of The Forest Reveal Themselves

Protectors of the Forest have paved their way into the wilderness. An army stemming from peace has established strong roots. Let us explore more about this new army, and what they have kept for the future.

Designed by Master DS

Established on Saturday, June 8, the Protectors of the Forest (POF) army is a new player on the scene. At their opening event, their highest size was ten. Kicking off the army’s operations, the community finds the Protectors at 11th in their first Top Ten entry. It is worth noting the army intends to act as a Help Force colony.


Currently, the new army has not yet established a website and is planning to do so soon. Additionally, their Discord server is yet to be fully completed. Their leader, Zenishira, asserts that he wants to see if he can lead an army on his own, granted that his other army, Help Force, has helped him learn. Currently, Zenishira is a Second in Command in the Helpers as well.

Protectors of the Forest at their opening event

Diamond MC and FunkyKae are the first two staff members to join Zenishira in the army’s staff team. Interestingly, at their second event, they acquired their highest size of 11, showing steady improvement. They have also defined a motivating motto, “Swift as the wind, strong as the oak!”

Protectors’ opening announcement

Club Penguin Armies approached POF Leader Zenishira to answer questions that were left unanswered.

What motivated you to create a new army?

Well I just wanted to see if I can get ten people to dress up the same as I do and get recognized as an army. Plus, I like the idea and design of the uniforms, hooded archers and all.

What developments do you anticipate to take place in your new army?

Well maybe we can have an !army POF command in the future.

How do you see your army in the next few months?

As a HF colony, best case scenario.

Do you have any other message to the army community?

Don’t start vanity projects that you’re not prepared to handle for yourself.

Protectors of the Forest may print newer pages in history, each with a unique appearance and change in performance. Zenishira is quite confident and expects his ambitions to come true. We wish the Protectors the best for their future endeavors. What event do you think the Protectors would stir up in the future?

Fun X Time
Senior Reporter

More Information

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Hi! I am Fun X Time, formerly and popularly known as Krill 300, or simply Krill. I am currently serving as a Commander-in-Chief at the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) since November 2023. I have been in armies since February 2020. I am interested in computer science, programming, physics, chemistry, and biology. What about you?

One Response

  1. FunkyKae June 11, 2024 (3:57 pm)

    Hello, it’s me FunkyKae or just Funky, thank you for making us known.

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