In light of all the recent wars happening in the community, the Help Force has their eyes on a newly promoted leader amongst them, Beasto. We sat down with Beasto to find out more about his promotion.

Designed by Disha
Beasto joined the Help Force on January 17th 2021, after being recruited by former staff member, Mandal. Beasto stated that he became more interested in the army because of the Krunker events that they started holding in May. This was a lot more attractive to him than Club Penguin at the time. Despite that, he worked his way up in the army and started to gain an interest in what the army did.

A Help Force event in January 2021
Beasto eventually joined the staff ranks of the army in July 2021 and worked as a staff member until he retired in December. This was not long after the Helpers stepped into a new generation, seeing their leadership step down from the role. He would return two years later in April 2023 as staff, before joining the HCOM ranks in July. Despite becoming a High Commanding member in July, he proved his worth and soon reached second in command in August.
One of Beasto’s longtime goals since joining the army was to become Commander. He tried to work hard and learn throughout his time in the army. Yet, the thought of achieving the role can seem unreal. On April 28th 2024, Beasto made an announcement, congratulating new staff members on their promotions. As well as this, he thanked everyone for their support. From here, he revealed he would be stepping into the Help Force’s leadership for the first time. This marked the start of a new era for both Beasto and the Helpers.

Beasto’s announcement regarding his promotion
Club Penguin Armies sat down with Beasto to discuss his promotion to leader and gain any advice from him for anyone aiming for the same goal.
Hey Beasto, feel free to give a small introduction of yourself.
Hello, it’s me BEASTO, I hope everyone is well and happy! also I wouldn’t recommend playing Overwatch with Mabel, very hard to carry.
What are your plans as a leader going forward?
Improvement of the army is definitely something am aiming for, and the rise of the Help Force among the armies again hopefully alongside my fellow Leaders.
Would you have wished to be inducted earlier?
No, I think my leadership came at the right time!!
What inspired your original goal to reach commander back in 2021?
I liked seeing the leaders of the Help Force back then leading an entire army on our most favorite childhood game in a very fancy and stylish way, I can say my main inspiration was Mr. Ayan.
What is your advice to anyone who’s going for the same goal you had gone for?
Just do you and dedicate what you have of freetime or some of it to your army, and remember irl is more important! Basically the more organized you are, the more your army will thrive!
Both the Helpers and Beasto now look towards the future as Beasto begins to lead the army for the first time. He seems thrilled at the opportunity to fulfil his goal. But will Beasto be able to succeed as a leader of the Help Force? Has he created new goals? We wish Beasto the best of luck on his new journey. We are eager to see what will happen in the upcoming months for the Helpers.