The March Madness Finals and Third-Place match concluded over the weekend. The results determined the armies in third and second place as well as the winner of the coveted tournament trophy.

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Over the weekend, four armies fought to earn their place on the March Madness tournament pedestal. On Saturday, March 23rd, the Army of Club Penguin fought against the Elite Guardians in a battle for third place. This was followed by a battle for the trophy on Sunday between Rebel Penguin Federation and Water Vikings. These two anticipated battles took place but who came out on top?
Elite Guardians vs Army of Club Penguin
In the first room, the Army of Club Penguin entered the Stadium first, followed by the Elite Guardians. At the time, the sizes were 22 (EGCP) – 20 (ACP). It was smaller than many expected, however, both armies were evenly matched in size. Despite this, the Guardians used their size effectively to cover the Clovers. Both armies continued to fight, however, the Guardians were able to maintain their momentum throughout the room. This made it even harder for the judges to see the Clovers, giving the Guardians the win.
In the second room, Inside Mine, ACP entered quickly before forming a plus. The Guardians followed by making an upside-down T. Realising this was not helping them, they quickly decided to bomb and then make a V form, covering ACP. From here the battle saw the Clovers try to counter and combat the Guardians but it was to no avail. Throughout the room, the judges noticed that ACP was getting covered and could not completely see their forms. Ultimately, EGCP claimed the win in this room.
Finally, in the third room, ACP entered the Forts first followed by EGCP. The sizes, at the time, were close but ACP claimed the lead. They were able to capitalise using their slight size advantage, yet, the Guardians were prepared. ACP covered the Guardians at points but there was no real stand-out army. They both exchanged tactics and combat with forms but neither army could gain the lead. The room was remarkably close, ending in a tie. Therefore, Elite Guardians won the battle 2-0-1.
Winner: Elite Guardians

Water Vikings vs Rebel Penguin Federation
On the following day, the Grand Finals were held which saw the Water Vikings and Rebel Penguin Federation take centre stage. As both prepared for the battle, the intensity only increased. The first room was the Snow Forts, in which the Water Vikings entered first followed by RPF. Both armies sported alternative colours (pink/purple) and tried their best to stand out. Additionally, they both used big word bubbles to make their presence known to the judges. Yet, despite both of them starting strong, cracks started to show as formations were seen to be messy. However, the Vikings used this to their advantage and covered the Rebels, countering each form they made. Therefore, the Vikings gained the victory.
Following their first room victory, the Vikings entered the second room first, making an extremely impressive infinity symbol formation. Unlike the Vikings, the Rebels’ new form was hard to decipher. At the time, the sizes were 57 (WV) to 45 (RPF). The size difference only favoured the Vikings as they increased their momentum. The battle raged on with the Vikings continuously covering the Rebels. Towards the end of the room, the Rebels started to pick up speed. However, it was not enough to overcome the Vikings. Ultimately, the judges decided the Water Vikings won the second room.
The final room was the Iceberg, in which the Water Vikings entered first. The sizes of the two armies were 54 (WV) to 45 (RPF). Unlike the previous rooms, this room saw a different side of RPF come out. To start, both armies nullified each other’s attempts. Additionally, both armies had flaws such as gaps or troops bunching. Yet, the Rebels were able to increase their pace and momentum. They started to cover the Vikings to the extent that the size difference seemed to favour RPF instead. However, WV still held the size advantage. The judges noticed that the Rebels had improved since the first two rooms, allowing them to win the final room.
Winner: Water Vikings
Congratulations to the Water Vikings for winning the March Madness IX. The Vikings had an uphill climb towards the finals facing major competitors each step of the way, yet they overcame all odds. With that said, the March Madness is officially over. No one knows what will happen next but as armies await for the new map to come out, all eyes will be on the dominant Vikings. Will the Vikings continue their dominant run in the community? Who will win the next tournament?
[…] of the tournament, the Water Vikings and Rebel Penguin Federation met on CPA Battleground for the final round of March Madness IX. Although the Vikings’ 61 troops outnumbered the 51 Rebels, both armies […]