Trick Or Treat Trials: Tournament Information

It’s the most spook-tacular time of the fear, we present to you the Trick or Treat Trials. In the absence of Fright or Fight, this mini-tournament will provide just enough scare this Halloween season.

Designed by Master DS


The Trick or Treat Trials, as envisioned, is a two-day tournament, taking place on October 21 and October 28 respectively. The “trial round,” if you will, will be taking place on Saturday, October 21 followed by the Grand Finals occurring the following weekend. In an attempt to provide the army community with a unique experience this spooky season, it will be a 30 minute battle having two announcement channels for rooms. Every ten minutes, there will be two rooms simultaneously announced. Yes, you read that right. Now the question is, why two rooms? This is where it gets exciting, as there will be a Trick Room, as well as a Treat Room. The army has the option to choose between these two rooms and needs to decide at that moment which room they would like to enter. Each of the two rooms comes with its own set of chills and thrills. So without further ado, let us get this party startled.

Treat Rooms

Treat rooms will be regarded as a room where a normal battle between two or more armies takes place. If an army wins this room, they get +3 points. If armies tie in this room then each tied army gets +2 points. Any army that participated in the room gets +1 point. This means the most an army can win in a Treat Room is +4 points.

Trick Rooms

In a Trick Room, armies will need to complete a specific task on top of battling if they want to earn extra points. There will only be one trick per trick room that the army needs to complete in order to get additional points. Here the rules are slightly different. If an army completes the Trick task, they get +3 points. If an army wins the “Trick” room (battle-wise) then they get another +3 points. However, no points are rewarded for neither participating in the room nor being unable to complete a task. This means that an army could win up to +6 points in a Trick room. Some examples of Trick tasks could be – 

  • The first army to make five different forms.
  • The room is an uncommon battle room, thus the first army to enter with a bomb and make a form.
  • Formations are not allowed in the room.
  • You can only do wipes, no bombs.
  • The first army to change into pumpkin head item (!ai 1095).

Note: If your army is the only army to enter a room then you get an automatic +5 points. 

An example of the possibilities


The top two armies with the most points will be considered as our Trial winners on Saturday, October 21. The following weekend, these two armies will battle for the trophy in a regular 30 minute battle, taking place on Saturday, October 28. If there occurs a tie between armies on either of the two days, an overtime battle will occur which will be a normal battle. The overtime room will be announced no later than :45.


  • Upon entering a certain room, an army cannot back out or change rooms.
  • If an army is found to be “scoping” out the rooms and arriving to rooms late on purpose, they will receive a penalty in their point total according to the Head Judges’ discretion. 
  • Reviews will only be allowed for the Grand Final and will be conducted by unaffiliated (to the battle) Head Judges.
  • Dual enlistment is not allowed, and individuals may only attend for one army. They must stick with that army for the duration of the tournament, even after an army is eliminated.
  • The judging will be undertaken by Club Penguin Army Judges and organized by the Head Judges.
  • Due to the nature of this mini-tournament, the participating armies will be allowed to have two vetoes for the Trial Round and three vetoes for the Final Round only if there are enough judges to ensure the places are filled. If there aren’t, the current veto rules will remain. Once an army has vetoed two judges, it cannot decline anymore for that battle. Vetoes cannot occur past the four hour mark and the Head Judges can not be vetoed per new judging guidelines.
  • Judges will be announced well in advance.
  • Both the Trick and Treat Rooms will have three judges, with the exception of the Grand Finals which will have five judges.
  • Anybody banned from Club Penguin Army Battleground cannot participate in tournament battles (including but not limited to attending on alts, leading from Discord or other third-party websites, etc.) If found guilty of violating this rule by administrator discretion, the army they are involved with will be disqualified.


Saturday, October 21st

The Trials

3pm EST | 2pm CST | 1pm MST | 12pm PST | 8pm UK | 7pm GMT

Saturday, October 28th

Grand Finals

3pm EST | 2pm CST | 1pm MST | 12pm PST | 8pm UK | 7pm GMT

Regardless of witcha going to be up to this spooky season, it’s time to have some skele-fun! So come join us in this eerie expedition as we make our way through the rooms of Battleground engaging in some gimmicks and ruses along the way. We can already feel it in our bones that it is going to be a fang-tastic Halloween, so let’s have a gourd time together, and give them pumpkin to talk about. Is it even Halloween if you didn’t get tricked at least once?

More Information

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

2 Responses

  1. […] Armies is excited to present the Candy Crusher brawl, an event set for February. Inspired by the brawl, Trick or Treat Trials, created by former Chief Executive Producer Mchappy, this brawl will feature […]

  2. […] Crusher is a brawl inspired by Trick or Treat Trials, a unique tournament created by former Chief Executive Producer Mchappy […]

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