Time Capsule: Club Penguin Armies’ Olympics

Welcome to Time Capsule. This is the column where we ask community members questions about their goals and predictions for the remainder of the year, which we’ll eventually look back on.

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As a part of the anniversary events for Club Penguin Armies, the first ever community Olympics is currently underway. Every day, a new challenge has awaited willing participants as they battle for gold medals. The three teams are Team Moonstone, Team Red and Team Touch Grass. We are now four days in and the competition has been heating up.

Setting an early lead for themselves, Team Touch Grass was able to pull off a magnificent victory in the Color Wars battle. Since then, Team Touch Grass have had some of the most active team members with high participation numbers for all the events thus far. So far it seems that Team Moonstone is the underdog of the Olympics, but there is still time to catch up.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rnf4sI_Up0[/embedyt]

Thus, in celebration of the games, this week’s Time Capsule is dedicated to some of the top performing members of each time to gain insight on their predictions on the Olympics. Additionally, we asked for their thoughts on future community events.

How have you been enjoying the Olympics so far?

Aurora, Team Moonstone: It’s fun to have something different to do as opposed to just having Legends Cup this month.

Da Best, Team Touch Grass: Yeah, it’s been something different than the random “daily” game which seems to just be pings these days and no one really does.

Sebzy, Team Red: It’s been pretty fun. I like that even though I’m not currently in an army I can still compete!

Which event has been your favorite so far?

Aurora, Team Moonstone: My favorite is probably Cart Surfer because I actually know how to play it. You basically crash every 1,000. That’s the goal, but you also have to know how to navigate the corners so you don’t crash by accident.

Da Best, Team Touch Grass: The Scavenger Hunt definitely, it didn’t require spamming boxes to get numbers in order or being good at holding left and right keys.

Sebzy, Team Red: My favorite event was probably the Sliding Puzzle. Although it was frustrating that I couldn’t get it at first, I got pretty excited when I started seeing how to solve it.

You had one of the top scores in the Scavenger Hunt! How did you solve all the clues so fast?

Da Best, Team Touch Grass: I’ve done too many scavenger hunts in all the leagues stuff Max did so just kind of learnt where everything [is] at.

Sebzy, Team Red: For the Scavenger Hunt, I just got lucky with the in-game places I had to go to [be]cause I knew where they all were beforehand. Basically, it was all a matter of how quick I could take and DM Mogi4 the screenshots.

You had one of the top scores in Cart Surfer! How did you manage 342 coins?

Aurora, Team Moonstone: I did a lot of Cart Surfer in 2019 so I got pretty good at it.

Team Moonstone has consistently had the lowest participation. Do you think this will hurt your team’s chances to win the entire thing?

Aurora, Team Moonstone: I don’t know. If we can get people more involved and motivated, we might have a chance to win

Team Touch Grass not only won the Color Wars but currently has been in contention for the most Gold medals! What do you think your team’s chances are to win the entire thing?

Da Best, Team Touch Grass: When the rules on how long you get [plus] what happens if you don’t take part get cleared up and stop changing every event, we may have a chance at doing well as most of the team members have work or school or sleeping so they aren’t able to do some events.

Despite having the lowest score on your team, Team Red won Gold for the Sliding Puzzle! What do you think your team’s chances are to win the entire thing?

Sebzy, Team Red: I feel like we have a good shot at winning the thing as long as we keep doing well in certain activities, especially now that bracket-style tournaments are coming up.

Would you like to see more community events similar to the Olympics in the future?

Aurora, Team Moonstone: Yes, because it makes the community more active and increases the likelihood those people will stick around in the future.

Da Best, Team Touch Grass: Would be good to get the entire community involved and not events that require you having to be in a certain army to attend.

Sebzy, Team Red: I’d definitely enjoy something similar to an Olympics in the future, it’s been enjoyable up to now.

We’re so glad to hear that the reception to the Olympics have been very positive so far. The closing ceremony will occur on Saturday, July 8 with plenty of events still in store. Which team will take home the Gold medal?

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

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