Our monthly “Top Five Moments” column has been a fan favorite since our opening. It’s a great way for community members to look back on the biggest events of the month and vote on what they feel deserves the coveted spot of top moment. To commemorate the yearlong activity of the site, we have ranked the “Top Five Moments” in accordance to how many votes each received.

Designed by Wynn
Every month, the Club Penguin Armies‘ staff server votes on the top moments of the month. Normally chosen by the administrators, these moments cover exciting or tribulating events that occurred that month. Sometimes the moments celebrate victories, sometimes mourning a shutdown, but more often than not– it’s the breaking news surrounding community drama.
In celebration of our first anniversary, we’ve decided to take a look back at each months’ top voted moment. Yes, even including a sneak peek at June 2023’s top moment. It probably won’t be much of a surprise to all of you.
12. September: Legends Cup XII Launches
Written by Nicky
After some delay, Club Penguin Armies announced the annual Legends Cup XII on September 24. This year, the Legends Cup will run for three weeks as six armies compete to win the trophy in the Grand Finals on October 15. Although most armies agreed to participate, a notable exception was the Ice Warriors. After seeding, the Templars and Water Vikings received a bye straight to the Semi-Finals. This left the Rebel Penguin Federation facing the Special Weapons and Tactics in the Northern Conference and Army of Club Penguin against the Help Force to clash in the Southern Conference.
11. December: Army Of Club Penguin Climbs To #1
Written by Dino
The Army of Club Penguin last achieved the coveted first place in the Top Ten at a time when first place was very volatile. The Army of Club Penguin competed heavily with both Black Ice armies before entering May. The Clovers gradually regressed before entering a period of stagnation through a series of mass retirements that would last for over a year. Their first place drought would last 608 days.
The drought would finally be broken on December 24, under the leadership of Calgocubs21. The Army of Club Penguin edged out the Templars by 0.54; this comes as the Army of Club Penguin, the aforementioned Templars, and Dark Vikings engaged in a war with the Special Weapons and Tactics. Whilst this interruption in first place might not happen again in the foreseeable future, it was undeniably a defining moment for the community in December.
10. October: Templars Win Legends Cup XII
Written by Mogi4
The 12th annual Legends Cup tournament occurred a bit later in the year than usual. The Templars were crowned the winners on October 15 after beating the Water Vikings in the Grand Finals, and the previous champions, the Rebel Penguin Federation, in the Semi-Finals. Despite the Templars maintaining a significant size advantage throughout the entire Grand Final, the Water Vikings put up a good fight, taking the final room. With a peak of 60 troops, the Templars remained strong and managed to cover the Vikings for most of the battle. The judges’ verdict read 2-0-1, crowning the Templars as winners of Legends Cup XII and awarding them with their first major tournament win.

Legends Cup XII Grand Finals
9. November: Water Vikings Announce Temporary Hiatus
Written by Disha
On November 13, the Water Vikings announced that they would be closing temporarily, citing staff burnout and a general “slow-down in the community as a whole” as reasons. Aaronstone42, one of the army’s former leaders, stated that the army lost a lot of its steam after the Legends Cup and the war against the Templars, but is intending to open its gates once again in January 2023 pertaining to a fresh start.
8. May: Help Force Crowned Champions Of AUSIA Arena
Written by Coolguy
One of the big moments of the month came in the form of a tournament final as the AUSIA Arena: Summer Edition came to an end. The finals saw two giants, Water Vikings and Help Force, battle it out in a very close battle. With both armies maxing high 40s, the Grand Finals left little to be desired. Despite the close matchup, the Help Force was able to edge the win in the second room, helping them to secure the win.
The last tournament which the Help Force won was the Aces of AUSIA tournament which was held in December 2020. It’s clear that the Help Force is a powerhouse in AUSIA tournaments even three years on from their last win. However, they also reached the March Madness Grand Finals in 2022, proving that AUSIA isn’t their only strong division. Congratulations once again to the Help Force for obtaining the AUSIA Arena: Summed Edition winner’s pendant.

AUSIA Arena: Summer Edition Grand Finals
7. April: Disha and Mchappy Inducted Administrators; Max Departs From The Temporary Post
Written by Wynn
On April 23, the changes to the administration team were announced by Wynn. Disha and Mchappy, as the long-serving Editors in Chief, stepped up to take the newly created rank –Executive Producer. The new role is a secondary admin position, that allows affiliated persons ranked Leader-in-Training/Second in Command and below. Both Disha and Mchappy have immense media experience and were the core members of Club Penguin Armies for months, becoming the obvious choice for the promotion as the people who know the organization best. Following the launch of this new administration, Max’s temporary administration came to an end. After a month of supporting the team, he took the advisor position to continue helping the organization. Moreover, the administration also announced its sustainable plan for the future.
6. June: World War IX
Written by Mchappy
At time of writing this post, World War IX has 26 votes as in the running to become the number one moment from June 2023. Initially destined to be a three-on-one alliance war against the Army of Club Penguin turned into one of the largest conflicts seen since World War Rewritten. Blue Sunset Alliance made up of Elite Guardians, Rebel Penguins and Water Vikings teamed up to take on the expanding Clovers, citing issue taken with the “egotistical leader” known as Calgocubs21. Before even an official battle could begin, the Clovers and Vikings were raiding each others’ events.
Once the administration stepped in to declare the Blue Sunset Alliance’s terms as unfair, Calgocubs21 promised retaliation. This retaliation culminated in the Clovers joining the Sapphire Concordat Alliance that had formed to fight against the Dark Vikings. From there, it was off to the races with endless battles. Some days saw as many as seven battles covering World War IX. For the first time since its creation, the Club Penguin Armies’ map was completely at war.
After a staggering 32 battles, all of which the Sapphire Concordat lost, a treaty was finally signed following the force treaties of Sapphire Concordat armies such as Napalm Corps and People’s Imperial Confederation. What seemed to be a peaceful end to an extremely tiring conflict then was flipped on its head when not even 24 hours later, a slip-up by the Rebels caused them to lose their entire nation due to treaty terms. In the end, the Sapphire Concordat which lost every single battle ended up winning the most amount of land from the conflict. Thus, capping the conflict off and making it, arguably, the least successful World War campaigns by the initial Blue Sunset aggressor.

Battle of Moscow
5. February: Administrative Statement: Multilogging Within Templars Throughout February
Written by Disha
With the second phase of the investigation being conducted at the beginning of February, more evidence has come to light that the Templars not only multilogged for a single event in January but the fact that this activity has been going on since the end of last year. Five more events have been suspected to involve multilogging, and a total of 24 accounts were tied to all of these six events. The Templars leadership were contacted about the same but there was no response from their end. It was found that nine IP addresses were connected to Xing’s Battleground account during the duration of the six events, and given that all of these accounts had similar times of getting disconnected in-game, it suggested concrete proof of multilogging. Club Penguin Armies’ administration removed these six events from the past Top Ten rankings and stated that a size multiplier of x0.6 would be applied to Templars’ size points for the next four weeks on the Top Ten. With all that the Templars have achieved, this is bound to take a toll on the army that dominated the number one position in the Top Ten for so long.
4. March: Ice Warriors Shut Down Over Pedophilia Scandal
Written by Coolguy
Arguably, one of the biggest moments of the month came near the start of it as the Ice Warriors scandal emerged. On March 10, many allegations against the Ice Warriors emerged with Swirl, among others, exposing members of the army, of which were most commonly Higher Command. The original document exposed three Higher Command members of the army which led to both Josh and Subster being outcasted from the army. The events led to Dance Moms shutting down. Many members of the Warriors fled the army with a few joining their allies, Water Vikings. All alliances with the Warriors broke and they were outcasted. After many interviews, another expose post, and much controversy, the Ice Warriors shut down on March 12, just two days after the original allegations. Will we ever see the Warriors in the army community again?
3. January: Evidence Of Templars Multilogging
Written by Comedy
The Templars dominated the Top Ten for almost a year, only losing their position to the Army of Club Penguin during the Troubled Allies War. In October, they became the fourth-ever army to take home the Legends Cup, and in December, Xing became the first person to achieve Person of the Year for the second time. On January 26, all Templars’ accomplishments came crashing down as Club Penguin Armies released evidence of multilogging in at least one event.
At an event on January 18, Club Penguin Armies found nine accounts online with direct links to Xing, the Templars’ Emperor. An additional search found 14 accounts linked to Xing. Key to the investigation was the account Xertz which had an owner, yet Xing knew the password. On the date in question, Xing signed on to the penguin and was soon kicked off by the actual owner, showing administrators a clear difference in IP addresses. A request for an explanation from Xing yielded no response, leaving Club Penguin Armies to conclude that multilogging occurred and further investigation was required. Administrators continue to investigate other battles to determine how far reaching the cheating goes, leaving the community to wonder if Templars earned their title of top army of 2022.
2. July: ‘Summer Sovereignty War’ Between Rebel Penguin Federation And Templars
Written by Sophie
Shortly following the release of the Club Penguin Armies server map, the Templars declared war on the Rebel Penguin Federation, citing the Rebels’ refusal to have practice battles, trash-talking, and usage of the questionable private server Club Penguin Legacy — whose owner is an alleged pedophile — as reasons why.
The declaration would turn out to be marred with controversy, as the Rebel Penguin Federation believed the Templars violated their own war terms by receiving land transfers from the Ninjas and Red Ravagers. The Templars quickly responded with time-stamped evidence that the land transfers occurred 20 seconds before the declaration was published. However, this was not the end of the argument, which was taken before Club Penguin Armies’ Army Board. There, the two armies argued regarding the wording of the declaration and whether the terms applied from publishing time or from the end of the server draft.
The Army Bord then voted on whether the Templars broke their war terms — and therefore lost the war — or if the war was valid to continue. However, the board members were evenly split in a tied vote. With no majority decision reached, it was decided that the administration should make the decision on behalf of the board. The Club Penguin Armies administration then voted in unanimous favor of continuing the war, which began officially on Friday, July 29. The war concluded on August 2nd in a Rebel victory.

Battle of Alexandria
1. August: Four Armies Declare War On Special Weapons And Tactics Following Internal Drama
Written by Max
Just as the month was beginning to wind down, the community was rocked by a shocking four-way declaration of war against the Special Weapons and Tactics. The Ice Warriors, Help Force, Templars and Water Vikings released back-to-back posts announcing the war on August 24, following growing community scrutiny of the morality of their leaders. Additionally, the Rebel Penguin Federation acknowledged the Special Weapons’ behavior and broke its alliance.
These posts contained severe and concerning allegations regarding the Special Weapons’ conduct, ranging from permitting people to talk about child sexual exploitation imagery without consequence, disrespecting allies and veterans, using “racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic language” and “harboring people” who support pedophiles.
The other three armies have continued with their invasions and have accumulated several victories each.

Battle of Mustafar
Looking back at this post, it’s incredible the amount of things that have occurred in just a year. The power dynamic in the community has certainly shifted from what we saw in 2022. While not all of these moments reflect “good times” in the community, and sometimes even dark topics, we appreciate the ever growing archive of moments being housed here, at Club Penguin Armies. Cheers to another year of unforgettable moments. Which of these top moments would you choose as the biggest moment of the past year?