It has just been a day, and another leader of the Special Weapons and Tactics, Logical, has announced that he will be retiring from the army. With the army going through consecutive retirements, only time will tell, what this holds for the future of the army.
On January 11, Logical, one of the current leaders at Special Weapons and Tactics announced that he would be departing from the army’s leadership to focus on his life, and will no longer be a part of the army community. In his retirement note, he not only expressed his gratitude but also stated that his journey in the army, has been a memorable one and that the time he spent in the army will always be close to his heart.

Logical’s Retirement Announcement
Logical joined the army community by being recruited into Secret Service by Rye Bread. At Secret Service, he was promoted to Staff in Training and held that role until the army shut down. Logical, then moved on to join the Templars as Staff, but after two weeks, he decided to switch armies once again. This time he joined the Special Weapons and Tactics as a New Agent (lowest member rank) and climbed his way through the ranks, to eventually become Staff in the army. Through his hard work, diligence, and loyalty toward the Agents, he earned the title of Leader on November 30, 2022, and has been leading the army since then. Under his leadership, the Agents not only participated in the Christmas Chaos XII but also withstood a war against three armies and got the second spot in the Top Ten for the month of December 2022.

Logical inducted as Leader at SWAT
The Agents held a Retirement Event for Logical, wherein 25 people showed up to celebrate his time in the army, and bid farewell to him.

Logical’s Retirement Event
Club Penguin Armies had the opportunity to talk to Logical, and inquire more about his stepping down from the army’s leadership as well as his plans for the future.
Why are you retiring?
I wanted to focus on my life and I also got a job coming up with multiple other things I can’t disclose here.
Also, I didn’t think I would meet leadership requirements, and I am a firm believer that if you don’t put in the work for your rank, you shouldn’t have it.
What kind of an impact do you think, your retirement will have, on the army at large?
Well, hopefully, we have a banging retirement event and have some fun while doing it, I also hope people step up in my place and fulfill the needs of the army.
Do you think that you were able to execute all that you had planned for the army during your time as a leader?
Not even close. I had bigger plans but realized this is CPA and doesn’t matter as much as my actual life. I was pleased with how we performed in the war, though. Even though, we “lost”. I am very proud of our troops. We competed with 4 armies.
What would you say has been the best thing about being a leader?
I was able to fulfill what the army needed, kind of. SWAT was in a bland state. I wanted to create war because let’s be honest, that’s the only fun thing about CPA besides tourneys. And, while we decided to have a 1v1 war with HF, that didn’t happen clearly. We still got war though, and everyone was hyped. Hitting AUSIA maxes of 32 was a fresh sight. Even though I know we didn’t have a fair fight – the experience and fun we had during the war were worth it.
Can you share your favorite memory/memories of the army?
Sure. My favorite memories while being in SWAT.. where do I begin! The first would definitely have to be going through the ranks as fast as possible, annoying CG as much as I could lol (love CG). The second would be the movie nights I had with these two individuals – ItzTeddyCow_YT#4835 and Broona. The third would have to be finally hitting leader after all the grind just to see people hate on it and say I didn’t deserve it, then proceeded to outwork and outperform them in every way. The fourth would be me and the foreign relations GOD Toxic Storm conversations, let’s just say they were very spicy
Do you think you will come back at any time in the future?
Maybe as Advisor.
Nothing higher. Too much work for penguins. My message to everyone in CPA is to make bread and then play penguins. And, to have a life. That is important.
Any final advice you would like to give to the army and the current leaders?
Don’t be scared and make war happen because this gets boring really fast without it. ALSO, you don’t need allies. you just need a passionate staff/HCOM team. Spice up normal events, as well.
Throughout his time at Special Weapons and Tactics, Logical has given his best and has worked hard to make the army what it is now. We wish Logical, happy retirement and the very best in all his future endeavors.
smoking that logical pack
bro used emojis in the interview, who tf uses that now