KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters – Every army goes by a slogan that is considered to be representative and unique to that particular army. What are some of the phrases that are used as slogans by the existing armies in the community? Which one(s) do you like, and why?
Slogans for armies serve the exact same purpose as that of a motto. It encapsulates the beliefs and ideals that a particular army abides by and thus, holds a great deal of importance for the army. Hence, one can say that a slogan represents the army and all that the army stands for, in words. A slogan of an army is not representative in nature, as it is also indicative of the ethos and the aspirations of the army, making the army stand out among the others. Every army goes by a slogan, that makes it different from the rest. As the title suggests, in this post – I am going to look at a few well-known phrases used as slogans by some of the armies that have existed in the community for a long time, and understand the significance behind them.
(Note: The armies have been arranged in Alphabetical Order.)
Army of Club Penguin
Defend Freedom, Preserve Justice!

Army of Club Penguin using their Slogan at an Event.
I approached Jesus1_4, the current Leader of the army to know about their slogan. To understand the significance behind the phrase, and when the army began to use it – I reached out to Mchappy, a Veteran, and former Leader of the army. This is what he had to say:
Mchappy: Oagalthorp, and the troops of his time, were really the ones to adopt this mantra. It stems from doing the right thing. Before armies really came to prominence, ACP saw themselves as the white knights to defend Club Penguin from rule-breakers. This mantra was specifically relevant when ACP declared PinkMafias (and UMA) as enemies for using hacking tools to get coins and items in the game.
Help Force
Unleash The Power of Helping!

Help Force using their Slogan at a Battle, in 2018.
To understand how the phrase came about, and when the army started using it – I approached Vedant, a former Leader of the army. Here is what he had to say:
Vedant: Ayan and Attacker, who led Help Force back in November 2018 worked together to come up with slogans/catchphrases for the HF army which then was a stamp helping group. I believe our slogan “Unleash The Power of Helping!” was a tactic idea that Ayan came up with. Here’s a pic of the tactic used dated back to the winter of 2018.
Ice Warriors
Don’t freeze up!

Ice Warriors using their Slogan at an Event.
I approached Kally, one of the current Leaders of the army, and she provided me with a link to an article where the phrase was mentioned first on the army’s website, and a signature of an individual by the name of Sam, who started using the slogan in their signature and continued signing with it for quite some time. To know more about how the slogan came about, and when the army started began to use it, I reached out to Iceyfeet, the Creator of the army. Here is what he had to say:
Iceyfeet: So, I can’t remember who started it but I think the first time I remember it was from 2010. Possibly, Legends Cup.
First mention of the Slogan on the Ice Warriors official website.
Sam using the Slogan in his Signature.
Lastly, I would like to thank Purple for helping me find a picture where the army is seen using their slogan at one of their events.
People’s Imperial Confederation
For The People!

People’s Imperial Confederation using their Slogan at a Battle.
To find out more about the significance of the slogan and when it was initiated, I had a conversation with Shallissa, one of the current Leaders of the army. This is what she had to say:
Shallissa: Our creator Sidie9 came up with it during one of PIC’s first-ever events. She wanted a slogan that represented the socialist values our army is based on. She didn’t want it to be too complicated, so she thought For the People was perfect. PIC is an army for the people and by the people, so our slogan is a perfect reflection of what we stand for in our community.
Rebel Penguin Federation
Fight The Good Fight!

Rebel Penguin Federation using their Slogan at an Event.
I reached out to Crazzy, a Veteran, and former Leader of the army, to know more about how the slogan came about, and when was it first used. This is what she had to say:
Crazzy: The “Fight The Good Fight” one – I can check in with Commando, but as far as I know, he used that slogan after rebelling against UMA that used the phrase “Fight The Bad.” So when Commando created RPF, he used, “Fight The Good Fight.”
Silver Empire
Silver will always shine!

Silver Empire using their Slogan at an Event.
I had a talk with Electrumm, a Veteran, and former Leader of the army. Here is what she said:
Special Weapons And Tactics

Special Weapons and Tactics using their Slogan at an Event.
To understand the significance behind the slogan and when it was started using first – I approached Mare, a former Leader of the army. Here’s what she had to say:
Mare: I assume it started earlier when Ganger created the army in about 2009. When I joined, we would always chant UNCHAINED and we still do to this day. I think it’s pretty cool because it’s kind of like saying we can’t be held down by anyone.
Deus Vult! (God Wills It!)

Templars using their Slogan at an Event.
To know more about this phrase, and understand how it came about – I reached out to Xing, the Creator and one of the current Leaders of the army. This is what he said:
Xing: Started using it after our creation in 2018. It came about by researching the crusades and medieval history basically.
Water Vikings
Fear the Wave!

Water Vikings using their Slogan at an Event.
I had a conversation with Kingfunks4, a Veteran and former Leader of the army, to know more about how the slogan came about, and when it was used for the first time. This is what he said:
Kingfunks4: I’m not actually sure exactly when we started using it but it was during one of the blue summers in 2013-14 sort of time – I don’t know why we decided to use it or who invented it! But it stuck ever since that sort of time when we rose to prominence and cemented WV as a major army.
After checking with the army’s Historian, it’s still unknown how this particular phrase came about. Regardless, the Water Vikings have abided by it, throughout the years.
Lastly, I would like to thank Misty for helping me find a picture where the army is seen using their slogan at one of their events.
For time and beyond, slogans have prevailed as phrases that are not only unique to an army but something that raises the spirits of the members and emboldens them. These are some of the slogans that the existing armies in the community still follow. Let us know what you think of them, in the comments section, or on our discord server!