KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters – After the end of World War VIII, the Help Force has decided to make a new beginning to their Administration, and rework the roles and duties surrounding it, as the army prepares itself for a new generation. What led to this decision? What kind of an impact will these new administrative renovations have on the army at large?
On the 28th of November, Help Force announced that they will be going through some changes in their administration, so as to ensure stability and balance of the army. Ayan, the creator of the army, wrote a post on their official website announcing the same and stated that the current leadership of the army would be stepping down from their positions to take over the role of trustees on the 4th of December, 2021. Apart from stating the Administrative Hierarchy that the Help Force currently follows, he mentioned that the new addition of a Board of Trustees will take place within the army, after the 4th of December, which will comprise of people “who will be advising the commanders, handling any kind of conflicts amongst the leaders and take care of backend processes” to ensure stability within the army. Another change that he touched upon in the article, was to dissolve the Advisor rank, as it had become one of the weakest links of the staff framework, and had no proper criteria attached to it.

Help Force against the Pirates in Summer Bash Finals
Founded by Ayan in March 2018, the Help Force, throughout its lifespan has been able to rise to great heights and cement a legacy as one of the most successful new generation armies. In 2019, they won the Summer Bash Tournament, against the Pirates of Club Penguin. Since the beginning of 2020, the army has always hit the top three ranks and has been consistent in maintaining its position at the tops, till today. They made history by beating several armies that were comparatively larger than them to make it to the Legends Cup X finals. Even this year, they made it to the finals of Legends Cup XI, but unfortunately lost to the Rebel Penguin Federation. Their most recent tournament win is in the Aces Of Ausia tournament, against the Army of Club Penguin. The army is currently led by Vedant, Ayan, Nell, and Elp. After the Second Silver Rush War came to an end on the 15th of November, 2021, the army has been focusing on its internal affairs and trying to outdo themselves, with every coming day.

Help Force against ACP at Aces of AUSIA Finals
CPAHQ had the opportunity to talk to Vedant, one of the current leaders of the Help Force, and find out more about the administrative changes that would be taking place within the army soon.
What was the reason behind these administration changes?
I had been planning to retire since May, but things kept popping up so knowing that everything’s in fine and capable hands. My med uni reverted to offline mode so I barely have time to carry on with my leadership. Talked with the rest of the commanders and decided to step down as one because they too are facing somewhat a similar situation.
wow haha I hope that’ll help them out
You should feel bad about this comment.