CPAHQ Reporter of the Month- June

KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters- Army activity always picks up once June hits the calendar, making this month a busy time for all of our reporters.  So much news came through the community, but which reporter earned the title for June?

Todoro was hired on May 3rd, 2021.  Just three days later, she released her first post for CPAHQ, covering MermaidBri´s retirement from the Red Ravagers.  Although she did not start out receiving high marks with our grading rubric, her willingness to learn helped her become one of our most reliable reporters.  A testament to her perseverance, Todoro´s first post in June, Week One Predictions for Project: Conquest, received her highest grade at the time of 9/10.  While making strides in her reporting skills, she showcased her talent in a special post covering the Pets of CPAHQ, which earned a perfect 10/10 score.  This is the only time in CPAHQ history that someone has gotten a perfect score on a post!  In all, she wrote six posts in June.  Todoro actively seeks out advice on everything she writes, always seeking to improve.  Whenever a topic needs to come out quickly, she is one of the first to step up to the plate.  For all of that, she was our clear choice for Reporter of the Month.

While being a reporter for CPAHQ, Todoro has also become a frequent judge with us.  She was one of our first ´graduates´ from the Judge in Training program and quickly stepped up to judging battles in Project: Conquest.  Like her time in reporting, she has proven to be open-minded in how to judge, which allowed her to judge six battles during P: C.  To go with her responsibilities here, Todoro has been involved in four prominent armies within the community: the Red Ravagers, Silver Empire, Golden Troops, the Doritos of Club Penguin.  She started this year with Silver Empire but left in early June for a mod position with DCP, her first army.  However, she keeps up with her former army, chatting on the server and attending events on occasion. She most recently took up a position in the Secret Service following DCP’s closure.

We were able to reach out to Todoro for a very special interview.

What are your thoughts about being named Reporter of the Month for June?

I was nervous at first, only because i didn’t think I was gonna get reporter of the month. But now I’m excited for it.

Why did you decide to become a reporter in the first place?

To get more experience in writing, also to fix my grammar a lot more for the future.

What would you tell people that are on the fence about applying to be a reporter?

Go for it! You may never know where it will take you. It’s fun and you will also learn more on what goes around in the community!

Anything final to add?

Thanks to my friends who encouraged me to go beyond! I don’t know where I would be without you guys. <3

Without the hard work of all of our reporters, our organization would not be where it is today. As always, if you or anyone you are interested in becoming a reporter for us, you can apply by clicking the link here. We would love to have new faces around who are passionate about writing as well as the community.


CP Army Headquarters – Editor in Chief

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