The Final Crunch: Doritos Say Goodbye to Club Penguin

SUMMIT, Doritos Capital – Doritos announce an unexpected shutdown from CPArmies following their Bronze Medal from CPAHQ’s Project: Conquest. What led to this sudden decision?

The Doritos creation dates back to February 8 of 2010, under the leadership of Wwebestfan. The legendary army has endured many shutdowns and revivals over the years, with the latest generation rebooting the orange army in early May. With many troops in attendance, the revival seemed highly hopeful.

DCP’s Revival Event from May 2021

Shortly thereafter, the Army of CP would declare war on the Doritos, following a public condemnation. The orange army would then also move on to participate in CPAHQ’s Project: Conquest, securing the third spot. The revival was short-lived, and on July 5th, DCP published a statement surrounding their server’s future.

Mythic announcing the death of the CP division, click to enlarge

In the announcement, Mythic explains that it is not worth the effort to continue as an army, and better to focus on growth and activities instead. Most importantly, Doritos have been a dominant army for years, and their sudden drop in size made it difficult to continue much further. The leadership decided to shift away from CPArmies and move towards a gaming server instead.

The CP Army Network reached out to Doritos leader Rah about their closure.

Interview Section

What exactly led to this decision?

Rah: Well, it was a decision me and the rest of the HCOM had in mind for a bit. We decided it was best to let DCP rest and put our efforts into other opportunities that would be beneficial for us.

Do you think DCP would make a return soon?

Rah: We’ll see what the circumstances are in the future. Right now we don’t have any intentions to revive again soon and want to focus on new things.

How do you think DCP would perform after the next revival?

Rah: Hopefully much better than last time. Again, we’ll see what the future holds.

Is there anything else you wanna add?

Rah: Bleed orange 🙂

In conclusion, the Doritos are now focusing on other activities for their server and trying new things. They don’t plan on reviving anytime soon but are hopeful about what the future of DCP holds.

What do YOU think? Will DCP ever return? Leave YOUR comments on the CPAN Discord server!


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