Snow Storm, CP Army Network Headquarters – Some colours have joined the map, others have left it, but one thing hasn’t changed, the armies’ hunger for territory. This week, we saw them fighting for lands and trying to expand their domains. Let’s check out how the map looks now.
The army community had a busy week, we saw more developments on the war between Golden Troops and Smart Penguins. A day later, we witnessed the beginning of a new war, this time with the Skateboarders against the Elite Federals.
While all this was happening, Firestar08, the army icon, announced their retirement from Special Weapons and Tactics. Furthermore, BaileyBear retired from the Red Ravagers, whereas BoMoBuddy joined its leadership. Moreover, the LEGOMAN ARMY HOORAH! has announced its return to the community, and the Fire Warriors declared war on the Golden Penguins.
During this week, we also finished the second round battles of the Legends Cup XI. After this, F6sixer announced the semifinals battles schedule, and, as always, we had the predictions for the second round, which brought some contradicting opinions to the table. Without further ado, here are the invasions from this week!
Invasions August 1st – August 7th
- Golden Troops: Balaclava Bay (unsuccessful) | Sasquatch | Berg (won from SP)
- Smart Penguins: Arctic Zero (won from GT) | Evergreen
- Sea Serpents: Skates (transferred from Skateboarders)
- Secret Service: Canoe
- People’s Imperial Federation (all servers won from PMA): Walrus | Deep Snow
- Post Malone Army: Mittens
F6sixer, the CPAN Interim Administrator, announced a new command for the map bot, !lb which allows you to check which army has more territories. Check below who is leading it this week!
First Place – Ice Warriors with 25 territories.
Second Place – Silver Empire | Special Weapons And Tactics with 19 territories each.
Third Place – Fire Warriors | Golden Troops with 17 territories each.
Join the CP Army Network Discord server to check the full leaderboard!
After six weeks, we saw more invasions, news wars for land, and no more unclaimed islands on the map. Where will the map go from this? Will we see even more wars or will the community stay content with their current territories?
What do YOU think? How long will the hunger for territories last and will we have more wars in the future? Let us know YOUR thoughts on the CPAN Discord server!
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